The Return of the Rantings of an angry nobody in Ontario, Canada. He slices, he dices, he makes Julianne Fries...

Updated July 22, 2004

Well, It's been a really, really, REALLY long time, but I'm back. Be happy damnit.

Not that I rant all that much anymore (psychologists work WONDERS, I tell you) but I figured that this is as good a way as any to promote myself and what I write. So, there should be more content coming in the next little while. Not sure why I'm writing here about this, since basically, no one knows about this site, really.

ATTENTION: All pages are now down until I figure out what to do with all of this. It's all old and needs serious updating.

This Week's Rant
Read what's bothering me this week.
Previous Rantings
Watch the evolution of the anger, read on as it slowly gets worse and infects my soul. Yes, I am joining the dark side.
About the Nobody
If you really are that nosy about my life and what has made me this bitter towards the world, this is where you want to click. It's not a huge story, but it's here.
Besz's Poetry Page
When you need inner peace and fantastic prose, read Shakespeare. If you find him hard to read, click here.
Recommended Reading List
If you just can't get enough to read here with my sarcasm, this link will tell you of other authors who are right bastards just like me.
Recommended Listening Page (Coming Soon!)
Or listen to them rant in beautiful melodies.
Besz's Links Page
Some of the sites that I personally have visited, so you can go there too. Sort of like groupies who want to go where Elvis went. "Ooo, look, Elvis actually threw up there!"

This page has been hit since June 14th, 1999.

Copyright © 2001 Besz Dispenser Publications, Inc.