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by The Masked Bookwyrm

(a.k.a. D.K. Latta)

Click HERE for the latest updates.

Welcome to my reviews of various graphic novels and trade paperback collections. Included with each review are page count, listing of issues reprinted (in cases of collections), creator credits, publication date, and usually a cover scan. The reviews are intended to be, hopefully, interesting, maybe even provocative, but without giving away too much of the story (ie: spoilers) that can make them useless to someone interested in an opinion prior to buying a book. As for myself, I'm a writer of sorts, having had various short stories published, as well as reviews of comics, books, and movies. Yup, I've actually been paid for my opinions! Go figure.

Click here for more details. 

The Graphic Novel and Trade Paperback Reviews
Mini-Series Reviews
They Ain't Trade Paperbacks...but They Should Be 
(Some Great Comic Book Storylines that Should be Collected in TPBs)
Some of the Greatest Comics Ever Written 

(A highly subjective look at some great single issue stories)
--- Fonts of Wisdom in ---
Great Comic Book Quotables
Reviews of Comic Book Novels
Reviews of Non-Fiction Books About Comics
Comic Book Links

Back to The Masked Bookwyrm's Comic Book Nexus

Pulpy fantasy/adventure stories at the free webzine, Pulp and Dagger (including original superhero adventurers).
Pulp and Dagger Webzine
Check out the big guy himself...King Kong

Reviews of Comic Books, Movies, Music, Video Games, Anime at

"Mindlessness for the Masses"

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There were over 2 500 hits on the original site between December of 1998 and September 1999. The counter's been acting wonky for weeks -- sometimes reading 000000! The correct number (as of May 2006) should be in the vicinity of over 40 000!


Comments can be e-mailed (NEW E-MAIL!) here -- particularly if you know of any errors onn my site. Since some of my TPB reviews are based on books I don't have, I might be wrong about the issues reprinted, credits, etc. Or if you happen to have a cover scan of one of the books I don't have a cover picture for, etc.

All logos and icons are copyright me (except, of course, the "X-Men" circle, and probably the "Batman"-Bat); all cover scans are copyright their respective owners, and are used for purposes of review only.