Here are three zip files for you to download. contains an illustrator file for you to practice embossing in Photoshop using the actions in

To use, Windows users need to apply all of the Actions under the "do everything" action (but don't use "do everything"). Mac users need to rename the Action once it is loaded on the Actions palette as "Text_Actions" (no quotes!)

Finally, the file contains the word "Photoshop" set to occupy a circle.


Here are the starting images. Click on any image to link to full size. Then right-click (Windows) or Control+click (Mac) to download the full-size image to your hard drive.
fractal.jpg (32135 bytes) blue.gif (106820 bytes) smallbkg.jpg (28934 bytes)
fractal.jpg blue.gif smallbkg.jpg
cotswold.jpg (23931 bytes) teddy.gif (8998 bytes) textss.gif (20910 bytes)
cotswold.jpg teddy.gif text screen shot (gif)

These are ending images:

text1.jpg (23226 bytes) text2.jpg (29187 bytes)
text1.jpg text2.jpg