As I was making a left hand turn to meet some friends at the Waffle House at 1 in the morning, I noticed just how horrible my CV joints were on my car. Every time I turned they fussed about it...
Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Loudly might I add...
How many of you would know what I was talking about if I said "How are your personal CV joints?"

See... 'personal CV joints' are thoes people surrounding you. Just like the CV joints on the car, they guide, and support you on which ever path you take in life. They are your frineds, accquaintences, wives, husbands, girl friends, boy friends, and last but not least, your family.

Do some of your personal CV joints need changing just as the CV joints on my car do? Do you surround yourself with peole who protest anytime you decide to take your own path, and not follow the crowd? If you do, are you happy being just like everyone else..? I'm not...

I like being unique... Being different... Having an unnameable flare... Being remembered not only for what I do, but who I am as well as what I say... People wonder what I'm likely to say next... And I like it that way... I'm unpredictible... Because I'm not so much changing my path as I am constantly taking detours... I'm one of thoes people who, if there's not already a beaten path to where I want to go, I'm willing to cut a fresh, new one myself...

I guess you could say I'm somewhat of a leader... But I'm not trying to be... And if you were to ask me I'd tell you that I'm simply trying to do 'my' thing... I'm trying to do what's right for me... Regaurdless as to if it's what everyone else seems to be doing at the time or not... If I think it's best for me, I do it... And if people feel that since I've opened up the way, they'd like to follow me, then that's ok... I guess... Though I don't think that exactly what one person does is the best thing for 10 other people to do...

This world's full of variations... Don't be afraide to use them... If you find something that you like, But it needs a few alterations, additions, or subtractions to make it sute you... Do it... If it needs a total revamping then go ahead and alter it as much as you want! Don't be afraide to express yourself, but don't be arrogant or egotistical in doing so. Live life to the fullest, but be smart and safe while doing so.

It's your life... Live like it belongs to you... And you alone! And surround yourself with the kind of people that will help guide you, but not dictate your every move... A unique person needs people around them who will support them; not sufficate their uniqueness...

"Yeah, yeah... You're unique... You're unique... Just like everyone else..."
"Yeah... Maybe so... But people remember me..."