This page was originally set up in hopes of some day it becoming a bit of a place where people could comment on anything they wanted to and remain pretty much anonymous; however, it's became a page where I just rant a bit in hopes of relieving my mind of thoughts or comments that I believe should be said but feel that, due to other peoples closed mindedness, I'd receive violent opposition simply because of my age, my upraising, the area I live in, or any other reason they could think of. It's for this purpose that I've remained anonymous. (That and I don't want everyone under the sun to know how typographic I am and how horribly I spell, among other reasons.)
Anyways, I sincerely hope that my anonymity doesn’t cheapen my comments. Regardless of if you know my name, age, place of birth, life story, or anything else, I’m still very real, and these are still my very real, very personal, thoughts… and I hope that if I’ve been lucky enough to develop a following of any kind, they are able to keep that in mind.
You’re welcome, even urged, to leave a comment or two or three or five or twenty in my Guestbook, or even e-mail me. I’d be more than happy to gather some feedback.