Have you ever had a sinus infection..? I'm not talking a/b a serious case of the sniffles.. I'm talking a/b a true to word sinus infection!!!

Well I have... Infact I'm suffering from one now... And it's just that too... Suffering...
Sinus infections are the most annoying things... And it's not even so much the pain as it is their annoyance factor... Not that they feel good or anything.. they're horribly painfull.. But overall, mine are more annoying than anything else... And no matter what you do... What kind of pill you take... hat kind of spray you sniff... No matter how many times, or how hard you blow your nose... No matter what.. There's absolutely no way of getting relief from one... Until, that is, you've come to terms with the fact that you're going to have to breath out of your mouth for the rest of your life... Then... And only then, will your sinuses begin to clear up and you'll start to feel like a halfway normal humanbeing...

The only thing that's worse than having an sinus infection is when you have a sinus infection, and bronchittus at the same time... Which is what I'm currently going through... Because not only are you unable ot breath from your nose, but you're also coughing up the most disgusting stuff, and if you're anything like me, you're constantly running to the bathroom to bursh your teeth and rinse your mouth with some yummie coolmint stuff, or if you're away from a sink, rummaging thru your belongs looking for something... Anything... That will take that nasty taste out of your mouth... Typically it's cough drops, mints, and pepermint gum for me... Because I've constantly got gum and or mints on or around me... What can I say..? I'm big on oral fixation!

Anyways... When you've got both types of these horrible, yuckie, critters trying to live in your body, you feel almost like Death encarnate and suddenly steam becomes your best friend... And... Your voice can tend to change... And mine has.. Mine's gotten a bit lower, and raspy... And today, I got told rather bluntly that I needed to try not ot get better b/c my voice, the way it is now, is 'sexy as hell'... Peachy thing to tell someone who's running a lowgrade fevor and honestly believe that at any given moment they're head's going to explode... Don't you agree..?

Well I thought so... And I told th' fellow... And when I don't feel good, typically my saying is "Cross the line with me and I'll kick your freaking teeth so far down your throat that you'll be able to chew out your own ass for me..." Though I'm not a violent type creature... I can give someone a tongue lashing that will sting so bad they'll think someon'es gotten ahold of them with a hot poker... And No... I'm not bragging... It's a proven fact that I've got quite a mouth on me... Anyone who knows me will varify that fact as well...

So anyways.. I latched in to the poor fella... and he just stood there with the silliest smirk on his face, raising his eyebrows occasionally, and making comments like "Oow" and "Woah"... And when I was finished lecturing him, what'd he do..? He reitterated the fact that he 'just adores' my 'new voice'...

Can we say 'DOH!'?