indecent poetry

this is temptation / this is not temptation / this is temptation / this is not temptation / this is temptation / nice to meet you / face to face / mouth to mouth / i need resuscitation / breathless / this is temptation / this is not temptation / this is temptation / this is not temptation / i need to stop thinking / i need to start thinking / i have to stop dreaming / this is temptation / this is not temptation / i want to be breathless / i need to be breathless / i need to stop dreaming / i need to start dreaming / i need him / this is temptation / this is temptation / this is temptation / this is commitment / this is temptation / this is not mine / this is temptation / this is endless / this is crazy / this is temptation / nice to kiss you / mouth to mouth / tongue to tongue / i need to stop feeling / i need to stop feeling / what am i thinking / this is temptation / this is not temptation / this is temptation / in body / my body / not my body / his body / your body / this is temptation / must not / will not / should not / temptation / temptation / temptation / temptation / temptation / this is not temptation / this is temptation / this is not mine / this will not be mine / stop / this is temptation / this is temptation / this will not happen / this will happen / what will happen / this is temptation / this is my blood / these are my eyes / this is my mouth / this is me / this is not me / this is not you / this is temptation / this is not temptation / this is temptation

my Winter
And if I would feed you
pomengranate seeds,
would you stay?

Wild green woman
gold sun orange hair,
step tambourine swing, o
you who make mockingbirds
mock just so jealously,
sweet patron saint of red
roses and wine, accept
this small offering


short poem

Newspaper bean, grunge sugar on my
mind... white guard rail, but fuscia
table, no idea how this was allowed.
Scary thoughts of nylon rope and
cinnamon bells fill my crevasse,
crease if you will... it makes the
fold look neater if you do it twice.
Rip, torn?  I watch the 8 o'clock
news and wonder why it's not 11;
that's tea time says my son.
For who?  A banana cannot 
contain my rage, so I peel a 
grape, and throw away the 
meaty flesh inside.  Who wants
it?  Certainly not the dog, but
he looks at me anyway as 
my wife locks up our gun
closet.  A closet without
shoes or used underwear; hardly
a closet at all.  The dog stands 
up and asks to be excused,
and I say, sure.  Wait, maybe
not the dog but our sun.  Then again,
who was telling me about tea
time?  Oh well, I pick up the
remote and turn my microwave on.
It shows me pictures of all fantastics; 
foods it can prepare.  My wife goes
over and turns the volume up, not
a microwave but a television after
all.  Strange, I don't remember
placing that there.  Then again, where
are my socks?  A lovely blue wool,
the poor sheep.  Not the sheep,
but shepard shorn, I say, or
maybe not.  No, I don't think so...
I should, however.  Think, no, say
that to somebody.  Wife, I say, 
come over here and listen.  Strangely
enough now she is a goat rack,
but smiles none the less.  I 
scratch my knee and fall asleep
one last time.

Jeff Fitch is a: god.
MATT SHoRt Writes Like ThIS

when the squirrels are thin and the blue
look down on the dirt
it's another pleasant valley sunday
it's been nine years now
all beautiful, all this newness, this growth,
this apparent lack of all things known to be

blow smoke rings and
~never explain.
Silly girl, rabbits
are for tricks.
metamorphose explosion
and i'll see You
at the card's game.

cream cheese transience.
turmoil. changing chaos.
continuous transformation
eternity becomes temporary
and now is as forever as yesterday.
Jam tomorrow, but never jam today:
give me butter on my bagel
and i'll not go hungry.

third Person

The i land sits 
    serene in its vast 
  blackbluegreening vista.
 singular and      seperate- 
or a   study   of strong.
   Just enough             space
       a co co nut
     Many a  
     shipwrecked sailor 
   lost his 
  land legs 
and    his  
       and     his 
  and    his 
   lie burned 
along the shoreline.
 There are those 
     who say they're sailors,
  selling scenes of 
            vague voyages,
  at the safety of my 
    velvet sandy beach. 
Silly sailors, 
   rowing over 
        dead end 

(death by water)
The couple creaked up the side of the cliff.
They were old. It was a high
climb. There was no other way
up. The fountain at the top was such that
those who drank would become

Jack drank first.
His wrinkles fell one by one and
made soft thuds as they landed on the
ground. He cracked his knuckles
for the first time in

Jill, transfixed by his hair sparking into its
old orange, took the bucket
slowly, sipping it as she used to
cappucinos. The water tasted like
dirt and rust and ancient moss
growing on the north face of an
oak tree. She drank

Her cataracts wisped into the corners of the
universe and were gone. She felt her skin
tighten. The pain in her back
disappeared. Years of harsh language
lifted from her voice in one last
whisper and were

Taking her husband's
hand, she smiled again with her new
born mouth, and as they ran

Aug 98

the eternal Now
I know you know the beauty of the world
but how much time, then, do you truly think
to notice? Galileo wore his curled
and powdered wigs, and silk robes (gold and pink
brocade) to watch the moving stars. Fear not,
obey the angels, there are children born
just yesterday existing in the move-
ments of their hands, not knowing rules
of civilization or syntax or
Monopoly, living purely within
brave new experience.

found on the floor of a high school math classroom:

apr 17 98

it's an electric night
lit neon from stretching light-beads
-speckles of green and red, but
the clouds shine orange.
tires ripping on water
and there! onechimpanzeetwochimpanzeethreechimpanzee
four five seven ten
eleven, two miles and getting closer.
she comes then, i can feel her already
:this glory, goddess of gust
and she is here! she is onechimpanzeetwo-
she is here and everywhere and
one chimpanzeetwochim
i am never lonely these nights
when she so tangibly is here
i love it. the pillow-death heat,
skunk of ozone, and
the almost?erotic tingle of cooled ions on my skin
four five seven ten
eleven, and as quickly she is gone
moved to the north, still glow-and-rumbling
as i sit naked in my window and
breathe the sweet earth

happily hailing hell from my handbasket
i cant control my groping phalanges
as they oh so casually advance in your direction
lover boy.
you know what i mean
yeah, you and your yellow hair, you know
what i mean
THAT direction, dirty mind now darling
i havent seen you for a thousand years
since yesterday.
where have you been all my life?
i feel like being a beetle
with their black bright backs like button skin
unbutton me boy, and lets put these
dancing digits to work.
