July 14, 1999

10:20 am

Again, I am finding it harder and harder to drag myself to my site to journal. I feel like I always have something to do, and at the time I am searching for a new job! I hate my job and I am totally ready to quit! The only problem is that I need to find another before my mom will let me. I don't know though..maybe I should just do it! I will be taken care of, and even if I can't find another job until Sept. I will still be happier than I am now. My job is miserable, the people...no most of the guys in the back, are dicks, and I am sick of it!

There is this one guy in particular who hates me. He has hated me since seventh grade, and then we happen to be employed by the same people...yuck! He is such a dick! I hate going on break because the guys are always back ther goofing off and stuff...I am through with it. I just wish I knew how to tell my bosses that I quit


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