The Newsletter of H. David Blalock – Spring 2009


Hello and welcome again to PURE REASON. As usual, it is appropriate to start with an introduction for our new subscribers: Those of you who have been following David’s writing career probably know most of this, so bear with us while we catch the rest up.


H. David Blalock began writing at an early age and published his first work, a poem entitled The Machine in Isthmian Inklings magazine (Panama Canal Zone) in 1971. Since that publication, he has logged more than 35 years in front of the typewriter/word processor, churning out dozens of short stories for magazines, anthologies, and webzines both in the US and UK. His most recent works include a series of fantasy novels known as The Thran Chronicles. He has several novels in the works, including a vampire tale entitled The Eye of the Storm, a time travel story called High Kings and a supernatural thriller, Angelkiller. For more information on his past works and current projects, visit his website at Thran Keep.









After some delays, and a change in publishers High Kings hopefully will see print by the end of 2010. Sam's Dot Publishing has expressed interest in the novel. I will keep you posted.




Eye of the Storm is a vampire tale brought into the near future. This novel, now in its second draft, is looking for a publisher. I had hoped to have it out by now, but it looks like late 2012 (if the world doesn't end by then) before this will appear in print.


Look for Eye of the Storm updates and more excerpts in upcoming newsletters.



Shadowcon 2009 Memphis was a blast, as usual. Roger Quest was again in attendance as well as author and publisher Tyree Campbell, and of course fantasy artist Mitch Foust. The local Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) sponsors the con, and they are some of the best folks I know. For more information, visit their website at http://www.shadowcon.org.




The upcoming MidSouthCon will be at a new location this year. It will be interesting to see how it works for this largest of Memphis area literary conventions. Interested? Check out their website at http://www.midsouthcon.org




Ascendant, essentially a rewrite of the first three volumes of The Thran Chronicles, will be appearing from Sam's Dot Publishing in 2009. The first of a trilogy to be followed next year by Emperor, this will begin an expansion of the original story arc that will answer some of the questions and hopefully satisfy the readers that did not want the story to end by giving you an entirely new book, Deity, the new ending to the tale. Stay tuned for more.




Why do bad things happen to good people? Simple: because when the war between the angels was over, it was the fallen angels that won here on Earth. Unfortunately, only a few know the truth. Fortunately, one of them is Jonah Angelkiller, an agent of an underground organization working to recover the world for the forces of Light. The trouble is, Darkness has retained power for so long it has convinced nearly everyone that it is the Light. How can Jonah fight Darkness and Humanity at the same time?

Work goes on with this novel. It has progressed from outline to first draft. Will keep you updated.




Well, I have retired from my day job, so now I have time to write. And so I have. You can catch my short story Here There be Dragons in the upcoming Kerlak Publishing dragon anthology. SamsDot is considering another two short stories (Sands of the Marid and On the Edge) and will be publishing Ascendant later this year. In between working on the novels, I will be writing short stories, so I will stay busy and keep you informed.


Best to all,
