~ yarn scraps and if statements ~

::points up at the top of the page:: see? it has a title now. ^_^ okay, so, it doesn't really have anything to _do_ with what's on this page, but at least it _sounds_ interesting. it's better than not having a title at all. ::looks up:: right? erm... never mind...

this is now the rendition of how i've decided to take up memory and squabble time. the first two were rather... pointless. that's a good way to describe them... but, um, if this actually turns out like i thought it might a couple weeks ago when i was brushing me teeth, there might actually be some... useful or interesting stuff here. gee, who would've thunk?

anyway, i'm a language junky; i'm either quadra-lingual or quasi-lingual, probably both. so far, i've studied spanish, french, zulu, chinese, and japanese. although i don't remember any zulu or french, save 'je parle francais', which means 'i can speak french' so it can hardly be considered of any use. i _so_ want to learn korean and russian; i've heard they have no word order. yeah, i'm a linguistic freak too. and if i get into the right school, i'll be able to learn sanskrit, middle egyptian, tagolog - all sorts of wonderful languages. ::stops:: right, there was supposed to be a point to this. ::looks around:: oh yeah... ::smiles sweetly:: i was going to try translate all this chinese pop music i have and some spanish pop. yeah, i'll translate the chinese stuff into english and the spanish into japanese and the japanese into chinese and... er... something like that. it's shakira's fault. she does songs in english and spanish, so i just _have_ to translate them into japanese. and if i have time, i'll work on the language i've been meaning to invent for the past five years and put it up here so anyone who happens across this page can be thuroughly confused by all my gramatic quirks.

another one of my passions is ice dancing, so, of course there has to be something about that. since i've only been doing it for a couple years and i don't do free dances or anything like that, i only know the compulsory dances. but i know them very well. my coach is wonderful and always tells me the body mechanics and physics of everything i'm learning, so i can write that up. people always have trouble with how to do the blasted things, so, it only makes sense to try to make it easier.

okay, one last note: i don't use capital letters. you've probably already noticed that, huh? ^_^; i just think it needs explaining, because my lack of use of capital letters isn't for a common reason. or at least i don't think it's a common reason... everyone doesn't not use capital letters because of deep issues with the english language, right? okay... it's just that the only gramatic function of capital letters is to denote propper nouns and the beginning of a new sentence. well, most propper nouns can hardly be considered improper nouns and propper nouns usually either lack an article (i.e. sally vs. a sally) or take a different article (i.e. the white house vs. a white house). capitalization seems totally pointless for that. another use is to mark the beginning of a sentence, other wise one wouldn't know where one sentence ended and the next began. g u e s s w h a t a p e r i o d i s f o r. a new sentence usually begins after the last one ends. and if it's the first sentence, there's a good likely hood that whoever wrote it didn't begin in the middle of the sentence, ne? capitals just seem redundant. mind you, this is one of my less neurotic linguistic issues. there were a few weeks when i didn't use plurals and i've considered stopping using articles. yeah, those just don't make much sense to me. but i use them since i've come to respect the english language. i just still have issues with it.

anyway, on to the actual content of this page

ice dancing - to appear some time in the future

song lyrics - also to appear some time in the future

my gramatically neurotic language - to appear some time, maybe

if you have time, please visit the michael crawford phantom movie campaign. warner brother's and andrew lloyde webber have all gone loopy and are thinking of casting antonio banderas in the title role of the movie production on the phantom of the opera. i have nothing against mr. banderas and thought he was wonderful in evita; he's just not erik.

also, have a looklook at two of my two friends. a few of us took a trip to las vegas with two of our teachers; one of them won some money for the school. anyway, they're yamina and neal. yes, one of them's a guy. after looking at the photo, yamina remarked, 'he makes a better girl than i do!' i think that's why my friend asked for it to be put up.

and lastly, here're some miscellaneous stuffs that really has nothing to do with anything, no more than a little bit of somthing, but is here for some reason. and while your at it,

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oh yeah... ::goes uncle:: wan moo ting!

and as a linguist, i just _had_ to include this poem.

sally salter, she was a young teacher who taught,
and her friend, charley church, was a preacher who praught;
though his enemies called him a screecher, who scraught.

his heart, when he saw her, kept sinking and sunk;
and his eye, meeting hers, began winking, and wunk;
while she in her turn, fell to thinking, and thunk.

in secret he wanted to speak, and he spoke,
to seek with her lips what his heart long had soke,
so he managed to let the truth leak, and it loke.

the kiss he was dying to steal, and he stole;
at the feet where to wanted to kneel, then he knole;
and he said, "i feel beeter than i ever fole."

isn't that the greatest?