Ciarán Hinds as Mr Rochester   Ciaranitis
         -for those smitten with Ciarán Hinds
The Drool Files
A collection of some of the funny, hilarious, crazy things that have been posted on Anne's old Drool Board.

The Drool Files II

Close Encounters
The tales of some of the people who saw Closer in New York.

Photo gallery



Jane Eyre

  Ciarán Hinds was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, on 9 February 1953 - although some of us like to think that he was not actually born to human parents, but was sent down from above to give intelligent women an excuse to sit in front of the TV for hours and drool.

As some of you have probably already found out, Mr Hinds has proved to be a very private man, or at least someone who hasn't been interviewed a lot. It is next to impossible to find any biographical information about him and this site will be no better (or worse) in that respect. I mean, if the man wants his privacy, let him have it. It is a fully understandable decision and it doesn't make him any less attractive to me. In fact, I prefer him to remain somewhat mysterious - there's safety in just adoring from afar. (This does not mean that I would say no if I ever got the chance of meeting him, though.)

However, I did get tired of jumping from one Internet site to another, looking for interviews etc., so I decided to gather most of what I found in one place. Hopefully, this will save you some time. :-) There's not much of my own making here, most of the credit goes to the writers of the various articles and "drool files" and the people who have patiently scanned loads and loads of pictures of Mr Hinds to be able to put them on the Internet for the rest of us to enjoy.

I have purposely not included a filmography in this site, because there really isn't a better or more thoroughly researched one than the one you'll find on Hindsite. To go there, click here, but please don't limit your visit to the filmography. Check out the rest of Hindsite, too - you won't regret it.

I hope you'll enjoy your visit here!

Click on the picture to go to the Drool Board.
Drool Sisters' Coat-of-Arms ;-)
Click here to see the full-size version of the picture



Drool Board on LiveJournal

Ciaran Hinds Online



Anne's CH Fansite
"Ye Original Fansite", now defunct. Where the Drooling began. Read a bit of the history of the original Drool Board and Anne's site here and here.

This page has been visited times since 15 September 1998.

This page was updated 18 February 2005.

This site is purely for fan entertainment. No copyright infringement is intended. Neither Ciarán Hinds nor his agent has in any way endorsed this.

If you see something you would like to comment on, complain about or even commend, please e-mail me at