Works under "clubs" and "design" also large but not on this page. All A0 or larger.
client: fibrepunk. 1994.
client: credit indemnity. vehicle signage. accepted line "cash loans to keep you rolling" with static hubcaps, 1999.
client: credit indemnity. also: catchphrase, phone-a-loan logo. A0 poster, 1999.
client: campaign concepts. school poster marketing exercise, 2000.
client: mandy boast. theatre poster, 2001.
client: dominic holmes, performer. 2001.
client: skippers. trailer signage, 2001.
client: shurlok. flying banners, 2001.
client: the chambers. 2001.
client: intermap. flying banner, 2001.
client: battershill steel industries. welcome / noticeboard, 2001.
Meistersinger Point-of-Sale, Jun. '02


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