This is a true story about the small country of Britland, which is located right against the border of Germany. The population of Britland is a mere 2 citizens. These being, Chrissy and Jennah, who are the rulers over all. Everyone in Britland speaks Britlandish, which is something akin to British/Australian. It's a quite frightful tongue to learn. The only other thing living in Britland are chimpanzees. There are two particular Germanic chimpanzees that are kept in special secluded cages. The citizens tend to feed them about once a month and on very special occasions will let them out of their holding pens. The size of Britland is about as small as the brains in these chimpanzees. The reason they're being held in these cages is because during the Britland-Germanic war of 2003, they surrendered to the two citizens, Jennah and Chrissy, and are now POW's. However, they may be released on good behavior...someday. Although, that day is not soon. And when they are so released, may also choose to stay living in Britland, therein being subjected to serving the rulers there for all eternity.
Also, in Britland, no one ever gets married, except in their dreams when chimpanzees turn into men...