The Workings Of An Uncommon Mind
Let yourself in.....
to explore and satisfy yourself upon my rantings
and things thought important or of any value in this world

since music is a very
important thing to me, you may
want to gaze upon this
deliciously eccentric array
of flavors of my
musical palate

by the way...i'm not the depressing, self-loathing, society-loathing fellow anymore, that my "dark poetry" page might persuade you to believe...heh.. that's only a very small part of me now...i might have a few personalities, just haven't named them yet...probably a good idea to keep them nameless, huh?

i've gotten a lot more into reading and movies since i last got to working on this page (years ago), so at some point, i WILL put a listing up of my recommendations in those areas of "the arts".
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links to other "neat" pages of mine
Home + Poetry + Newest Poetry + Dark poetry + "Love" poetry +
My friend's band + Links & blatherings + preachy banter by me
A Community Service Message from
Lack Of Respect
concerning your health
and well-being.

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook
the Alex Grey site
most recently famous for
his artwork used by the band
the one and only
in retrospect!!!
(because this skull
background is his creation)

Elliott Smith site

a suprisingly few decent pics of me

my brother :)

my cat
i have a song of mine
on here now called
Painting Monochromatic Pictures
(in the middle of a
letter to a circus girl)

a highly compressed,
but not for any worse sounding

if you really want to see the lyrics

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.
Come back to see
the changes i'm making....
it's really
under construction.

If you've gotten to the bottom here and haven't checked out any of the links yet, now would be the time for you to do so.. :P ...signing the guestbook would be a brilliant thing for you to do as well, so i know that i have had visitors