Carl R. Deaville  >  CarlofWood  > Yahoo ID >
Welcome..... down below find samples of my work............. Encaustic(waxart), PC art, Watercolor, Photoart, Acrylic Painting, and etc..  ( page 1 of 3 )
  US Navy from 1965 to 1989. After many years at sea and away from home, retired as Master Chief.

   Husband since 1967 to Susan; Father to Tony and Angela;  Grand Father (P-Paw) to Harry,  Madison and Carrie Sue....  :-)

    Good Neighbor to Many;  Friend to a Chosen Few; 62 going on 39 and Looking forward to my full  retirement from Auto Sales May 24, 2009...( God Willing )

   Plan to actively pursue my "Art" Hobbies and enjoy life with Susan.
blue '90 Coupe DeVille
This piece is        called "Girl on a  Stool" and I also  did this WaxArt   Painting on         5/5/84.
It measures
about 6" x 12"
I called this one "Love" and is a    WaxArt on 6" x 8"Canvas. It was  Painted on 7/11/99.
This piece is         simply called         "Man 1984" and    was done on          5/5/84 and             measures about
6 " x 12 " tall.
My WaxArt is painting with melted Crayola Crayons. In many parts of the world this art form is done with special blended waxs and is called Encaustic Art.....
There are many fine web sites for such art.....MY Favorite was one started by Michael Bossom on the web at
He gave a rebirth to the art form starting back in 1986.
Forest Stump 1994 - 2000
Our very best Friend who is waiting for us
on the other side I am sure...
For more examples of my "Art" go to deaville_2
Last updated on 4/23/2009 @      23:55 CA USA time
This is my "old art website" that I started some ~ 9 years ago in 2000 before the world changed on 9/11
For another way to look at my work and my life go to my Photo Albums at
Got a new BlogSpot>>>>  It is       
This makes five sites on the web that I   have open at this time..............
Harry, Carrie, and            Madison are the               Grandkids........and          Karma is our new dog
email >
My 11 Yr old GrandSon's "Art Blog"
It is a must visit - cool talent.
November 2006
Born 11/05 photo taken March 2006
I love this Acrylic Piece   ~ Oct  2006
Retiring from SWIFT on May 24, 2009 - Thank you very much.