Aphrodite IX - September #1 - Top Cow / Image Comics

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Aphrodite IX
Contributed by Brendan O'Grady
Fusion Comix Staff Writer

Top Cow / Image
Artist: David Finch Story: David Wohl
This is the first issue of Aphrodite IX from Image. It has about 6 different covers but I only have 3. Image has done quite a job for this book. Even before it's release it had a huge following and demand. When I cracked this book open I saw great art and alot of skin. This could be crossing the line into adult comics so it's recommended for mature readers. Essentially the story goes like this. Aphrodite is the star of the comix. A tall, gorgeous and green-haired babe but guess what! She's an android (artifical life form). I guess I should be paying more attention to my blow up doll and vacumn cleaner! Anyhoo, she doesn't remember anything at all. She is introduced to Burch, who is the only friend she has, but she doesn't remember him. In a recorded message of herself to herself, she covers everything from who she is to what she does. What she does is kill (like what else). The trick is she has total memory loss after 15 minutes of her completed mission. She is then given a job, she has to kill Councilman Granzo Floyd. Why? We do not know and neither does she. At a floating house she finally gets the guy away and they go off on a fat, grub-like speeder bike. Speeding away on the bike, she slits his throat and kills him. Her carefree attitude disappears. We hear others talking about her style of killing people, like they are teaching a class or something. Granzo's bodyguards fire missiles at her and...(continued in the next issue).
To start off with, this book is good reading material. Well at least if you are between the ages of 17 and 50. It explains alot in the first issue and it's a good book to collect. The art is like Witchblade and the story...well let's just say that the story is banging it's head against a wall trying to think of something new. There are so many similarities to Blade Runner, Nemisis, Nikita and Frank Miller's Hard Boiled. This is one story that is not unique. Same old hash with a new name. They had better peak an interest in the story or else this reader will stay with Marvel.

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