Deadpool Quotes

"Oh c'mon already. Enough with the assassin meet-and-greet"

"I order steak, you send me shrimp cocktail! I ask for Creed, you send me Lionel Ritchie!"

"I swear, if Weasel took the batteries out of my suit to run his Game-Boy again -- I'm gonna Super-Mario his sorry butt into a body cast!"

"Then I'm gonna teach the mook who invented snow all that stuff I picked up from the Turkish corrections officer"

"Hey, nice digs, Walt! Canadian government spring for this joint? All they ever gave me was a gold watch and incurable acne. Go figure."

"You know, you never realize how sharp fur is until your epidermis is boiled off..."

"Is it in the "mysterious employer credo" that these little rendezvous always have to be in Exotic locales? I mean, just once wouldn't you like to sit down at a Denny's and plan an assassination over a french slam breakfast?"

"Porkchops -- perfect for every occassion"

[Deadpool Menu]

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