Spider-girl - Issue #2 November - "The Daughter Of The True Spider-man!" - Marvel Comics

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Spidergirl? Spiderspit! Spidergirl Sucks Eggs!
Contributed by Leanne Richer
Fusion Comix Web Designer

Just like countless of comic book fans out there, my all time favorite character is Spiderman. That is why I wholeheartedly despise Spidergirl. Let's get down to brass tacks folks, Spidergirl is nothing more than Spiderman with tits. Shameful!

Comic book creators have inspired us with their female characters. Fans enjoy their powers, strengths, intellects and personalities as well as their...AHEM...curves! But what does Spidergirl offer the comic realm? Virtually nothing I say!

Marvel comics is famous for churning out characters with weak archetypes and questionable staying power. If you don't believe me than pick up an old copy of Marvel Universe and find out for yourself. I think Spidergirl is one of these characters, just a flash in the pan. Here today, gone tommorrow. If someone were to say to me "Spidergirl is a successfull character witha huge following and her figurines are selling like hotcakes and blah blah blah..." I would reply "Yes but the band N-Sync sold like hotcakes and have a huge following so what does that prove? 'nuff said!!!"

Spidergirl began as a character in the Marvel comics What If? series. As she grows up, her parents watch for signs of spider-likeness she could have inherited from her father. The story goes on from there. In issue #5 her parents want her to be finished with being Spidergirl and on and on. Now this does not sound like a bad plot so far. It has the potential to go alot of ways and turn out pretty good but...

Here is my main beef about Spidergirl...SPIDERMAN COULD NEVER, EVER BE A FATHER! Spiderman will always be the skirt chasing nerd striking out at every flirtation for humanity's greater good. That is the way he will stay in my mind. He could get married and have a successfull relationship. My imagination could go that far. But being a father. It's not possible! Spiderman's ability to fight crime and be a total nerd is what made him one of the top characters all these years. We can all relate to that geekiness. Say you cannot relate? HAH!!! What are you doing at a computer reading this then? We all have some spider-nerd in us. Admit it! Spidergirl, carrying on the radio-active gene pool. What next? SPIDERMAN'S CRIME-FIGHTING GRANDSON? Hmmp!!

The other thing that bugs me (pardon the pun) about Spidergirl is her appearance. Do you know those pictures that you can make by cutting out magazines and putting a head on another body? Well that is what Spidergirl looks like to me. She is totally disproportionate and just looks horrible. Only Peter Parker should wear that costume. If they had wanted to create a daughter for Spidey properly, they should have made her with eight legs and all black or something cool like that. I am going to draw how she should of looked like for Fusion Comix one of these days. Alas, she looks like old web head with a sex change! BLECK!!! Good material for Jerry Springer but not for comic books!

I feel that female characters are extremely important to the comic realm. For young women developing their own strength, they could use really cool comic book chicks to emulate. So what do they get? Spidergirl, a chick who takes flack from her parents not to fight crime. What bullshit! No wonder so many young women read Archie comics!

I could be wrong on some of the technical details of this article, but ranting is straight from the heart and not from the head after all. Just ask Wolverine, he will tell you!

The offer still stands that if you disagree with what I wrote in this article, and you would like to defend Spider-girl comics, than by all means send in your contributions for the site. Click here for more information:
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