Spy vs Spy Drive You MAD

For your "spies" only!
I had read that the Spy vs Spy battle we all love was portrayed by Antonio Prohias to reveal the violence in his native country. Spy vs Spy is definitely one of my favorite parts of Mad magazine.

Antonio Prohias, whose anti-Communist cartoons so angered Fidel Castro that he was forced to flee Cuba, brings us another installment of that friendly rivalry between the man in black and the man in white- better known as SPY vs SPY. When Fidel (the man with the sword) ordered Antonio Prohias (the man with the pen) arrested for his anti-Castro cartoons, the Cuban artist fled to the U.S., where he now graces MAD'S pages with SPY vs SPY. Antonio Prohias, who was forced to flee Cuba because he refused to become a "Castro Convertible", brings us classic, outrageously violent tales of espionage!

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