Fusion Comix Staff: Brendan O'Grady

Real Name: Brendan O'Grady
Contact: brendan_o@comicbook.com
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 150 lbs
Eyes: 2 (brown)
Hair: Black
Occupation: Fusion Comix staff member. Leader of the right to party party. Also works at Starbucks. (So I can get FREE coffee!! HAHAHAHA...Fools!)
Legal Status: Citizen of Canada with no criminal record (none ...yet!)
Place Of Birth: U of A Hospital
Group Affiliation: The Hellfire Club, X-men, Alpha Flight, the WWF and Fusion Comix.
First Appearance: Wherever you see me.

History: Brendan was a mild mannered person working in a...NOWHERE JOB AND HAD NO GIRL...Oh, umm, right. Anyhoo, he was a great guy who liked to joke around and had many friends in high school. There he had his eyes on one particular girl named Mary. On one sunny afternoon on a happy happy day, Mary invited Brendan to her house. He accepted. That's when his life took a terrible turn for the worse. That's where he met... Leanne!!!! The evil sister of Mary. She was into witchcraft, Kid Rock, Marilyn Manson, S&M, peeing in the drinking fountain at school, you name it, she did it. With one look of her black eyes, she enslaved him to a dark and bleak future. A future of working for her, day after day, night after night, for Fusion Comix. All she whispered in his ear for his eternal devotion was one word...."sex!" He now is her wanna-be manslave, always suckling at the tit of lust and the promise of sweet, sweet freedom......and Doritos!

Strength level: Brendan possesses the the normal human strength of a man his age who engages in the couch potato olympics and wins the gold in the 100m "Simpsons" TV marathon.

Known Superhuman Powers: Brendan possesses extremely quick hand, eye coordination from many hours in front of his playstation. He also possesses a accute olfactory sense of smell, primarily because he does not smoke. His sense of smell and taste have not been retarded by the stunning effects of tar and nicotine. His nose has been known to sniff out who farted in a crowded elevator or bus. Sometimes he pays dearly for this. He also possesses the ability to mentally undress pretty girls with his perverted mind. He also has a high endurance to the pleasurable experience of sex. (when he gets it... it's usually with the hairy palm sisters, palmala and handria).

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