Toyfare - #39 November 2000

Toyfare - Issue #41 January 2001 - "The #1 Action Figure Magazine"

Toyfare - Issue #37 September 2000 - Cover 2 of 2
Toyfare #33 "25 Hottest Toys In 2000"
Contributed by Jesse (Augie680)
Fusion Comix Staff Writer

Main Story: I don’t usually pick this up (I have a subscription to it's sister magazine, Wizard) but I do pick it up on occasion (when it looks good). Well this issue looked good and it is. The bulk of the issue is devoted to Toyfair 2000, the annual big toy con. It’s loaded with the cool toys that are coming at you people later this year. The cover just shows a few of the cool toys.

Back-Up Stories: Toyfares, Titanic Toy Tussle: A huge blow-out brawl that lets the fans pick their favorite toy line. Twisted Mego Theatre: Dr. Doom goes back in time and causes the future into a place revolving around Ricky Martin?!?!?!

Cool Stuff: Side Show: The Ratings Game, Homemade Heroes, Big Shots and Toying Around

Overall: Very enjoyable read. If you like toys, comedy and good old fashioned funny stuff pick it up.

Rating: 8 out of 10

Similar Tastes: Wizard: The Comics Magazine, and In Power

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