commercial poop Yahoo! boo hoo, bullllshhhh... Welcome friends and fellow countrymen Let us now hoist one to all which escapes us at the moment!
under reconstruction
Welcome to
like the american south
George Foreman's locked doors & windows
Best viewed, for whatever reason
with NETCRAP Arbitraitor
abstarcts courtesy Sid Phyllis Border Studios, Brown Country, TX
piston diagrammed as 3-axle truck rolled downhill towards open manhole (summer 1997 -- had muscles then)
Experimental writing

not meant to necessarily be read straight thru

take in bits and pieces


if you remember

If approached as standard poetic or fictional pieces, then you will likely be repulsed.

At its best, will stimulate
taste like new
send meat hoax
the third baseman has a lung wart    which warbles when he calls it
lb. of fry, slab of rib
banana pricing index    hosted by C. O'Connor   sponsored by RE/Max
Curious George steals a Volvo.
collage website (click on photos tab)
GF's pics
mix yourself a drink
symbiotic w/ turds: all about a fungus,
massive collage collection of S. Phyllis
GUTOUNGOUS the furrier flirt
ICQ #91716787 a must for the ladies
The Aspiring Writers' Club a comfortable beanbag of an NG
for any size writer

UPDATED pages: link to 11/00 Busin' it wit' GERMAINE GREER, kids!
my awards! ! !
the the VP WebRing for men (and the women who get to know them over drinks)

11/26/00 S O U N D C O L L A G e Now you can bleed all week long...

The original homepage (with pickles)