Wearable Computer Technology

"Resistance is futile........
computers are taking over everything!!"

These wearable systems
are very portable.
The modern workplace is an environment that is in constant flux. In recent years there has been an increase in downsizing and automation and this costantly changing work environment requires a more flexible workforce, that can be retrained in new skills very quickly.

Many enployers send their workers to private training companies to be retrained. This traditional training can be costly and time consuming.The traditional training method has been criticized for being removed from the context of the job and there are problems with employees transfering what they are learning to the workplace.Traditional training is seen as being geared towards learning unneccessary information rather than improving production techniques or productivity. Employees often forget the training they recieve in the classroom when they move back to the work environment.
Many researchers see the wearable computer as a panacea to many or all of the problems of traditional retraining.
These headsets can be simply attatched to the user and are very portable, thus it is claimed that wearable computers can train workers without having to move them from the site.

Typical System

Factory Automation Support Technology System
(F.A.S.T.).Job Performance software, wireless communication,
and a wearable computer
that has hands free operation. Delevoped by researchers
at the Georgia Tech Research Institute.
The Basic FAST hardware includes:
  • A credit card sized computer and wireless communication system worn on the belt.
  • A visor worn like safety glasses to display computer information to the user via a minature display.
  • Earphones for listening to auditory information
    provided by the computer.
  • A microphone to allow voice-activated, hands free operation of the computer.
  • Flexible Eight hour battery packs worn on the belt.
Factory workers who require retraining in unfamiliar tasks will recieve the information they need through this "electronic performance support system"(EPSS).

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