SEOUL, KOREA - September 3, 2001

Taking a slow boat to China tomorrow. Bought a ticket going from Inchon Korea to Tianjin China. Total time is minimum of 28 hours. From there its a couple hours to Beijing. Another teacher from the old school I was at has just finished his contract and bought his boat ticket. Since I've recently come back to Seoul, and don't have any other solid plans, it seemed like perfect opportunity to join him.

Its been an interesting week in Seoul. I've been staying in Itaewon area of Seoul, which is the international area nearby the American military base. It was interesting a few days ago as I overheard a few Mongolian speakers, they looked exactly like Koreans but were speaking a completely foreign language to me. A few of my Korean friends pointed out that they were Mongols, and that there quite a few living around the Itaewon area. They actually look exactly like Koreans - which isn't too surprising, as the Korean language is related to the Mongolian language linguistically.

Next entry journal in CHINA!
September 5, 2001

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