SEOUL, KOREA - MAY 20, 2001
Well, with settling down, there seems to be kind of neglect of writing. I did buy quite a few new things last month. The biggest item was a used computer. I still haven't connected to the Internet with it, but there are quite a few good card games I can play. Second biggest item was a cellphone. Its hard to believe I've been in Korea this long without one. Now that I have it, I use it all of the time. Everyone in Korea has cellphones, so now I'm able to text message anyone at anytime with my cellphone. Its great to pass along little notes, kind of like email, but its received immediately. The third big item was a Korean-English electronic dictionary - kind of expensive item. I never did buy the air conditioner, it was much too expensive, minimum of about $700.
The summer heat is just poking its way into Seoul now. I can feel the humidity just slightly. Its just a small taste of its brutal strength that will engulf the city in another month or so. July and August being the worst. The humidity is also combined with monsoon rain storms. Something to look forward to.
With all the time that went by, I was bound to finish the Hunter S. Thompson book. Shortly after he found his nice apartment and purchased his new car, all kinds of hell broke loose in San Juan, Peurto Rico, and he left suddenly. Hmm...
Very recently, I found out that my brother will be getting married in Michigan in August. I asked my workplace if I could have some time off to go to his wedding. My immediate boss was not receptive at all. He pretty much said 'no way', but he did leave the possibility, that maybe a day or two before August (when the August schedule comes out), if enrollment is down, there is a possibility that I could go. Soooooo....... this pretty much throws off everything for me. Its a difficult decision to decide to skip my brother's wedding, or break my teaching contract and leave Seoul for awhile. I actually really enjoy being in Seoul, so I hate to leave this city.
Well, we'll see what happens. I've pretty much decided that if I do leave Seoul for awhile, it'll be sooner than later. Ideal time would be June 30th, and then try a few weeks in Philippines, a week in New York City, a week in Michigan for my brother's wedding, then try Indonesia for a month or two before returning back to Seoul (or getting sidetracked anywhere along the way).
I'm really liking Seoul though, so its possible I will just stay right here. If it wasn't for my brother's wedding, and the strong possibility of not getting anytime off of work to attend, I'd definetely be staying right where I'm at. The apartment and life in Seoul are pretty ideal right now.
Next Journal Entry in Seoul:
May 25, 2001
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