Reno, Nevada
January 15, 2003

LOTS of changes now!! Tons and tons of changes!! Well, for one.. after we (my girlfriend and I) got out to San Diego, she had to go to San Francisco. Then this, that, and the other happened.. and basically.. well, there is a very very long story to this.. but we aren't seeing each other anymore. So thats one of the changes. So now I'm basically free to go anywhere.. but I have SO much debt right now.. that I'm actually quite limited because of that!!

At the current time I'm in Reno, Nevada visiting an old friend from South Korea, a fellow English Teacher. He set me up to be fixing the roof of a house at $10/hour.. so I've been doing that with him and hanging out up here the last few days. Probably be going back down to San Diego soon.

Anyhow, my girlfriend and I brokeup and I'm working on roofs in Reno now.. kind of strange situation.. not quite what I expected would be happening..

San Diego!!:
January 20, 2003

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