Kunming, China - September 14, 2002

Made it to China. It was quite different the moment I crossed the border. The city of Hekou is a bordertown, but its a really clean and nice bordertown. People were approaching me and just giving me helpful information (for free).. which is quite a shock coming from Vietnam where there is always some financial motivation to talk to you. Here, they were just immediately naturally friendly. I also feel a strong similarity to being in Korea here. People kind of do things more Korean-like, like yelling into phones, or having arguments in the street. People kind of lecture at each other rather than exchange a conversation, things like that. I feel alot like I'm in Korea, but in another completely different world or version from Korea. It has alot of familiarity, but completely different at the same time.

The bus ride from Hekou to Kunming was very interesting. They played quite a few Chinese movies, as the bus ride took 11 hours. I was surprised how racy some of the Chinese humor was. They had the Chinese movies translated into English subtitles, so I saw alot of sexual humor as well as some farting humor. I didn't expect that from China, as Korea is usually quite serious and would never approach those kinds of subjects. Alot of the Chinese movies were quite funny too! I was really impressed to see Chinese comedy movies, rather than the typical chinese kung-fu that seems to go more international.

Now I'm in Kunming, the city of Flowers. My first impression it seemed very lifeless and boring. The streets were too wide and the buildings were too big. It seems like everything in China is made to be really big!! Everything! But after spending a day in Kunming I'm seeing it does have some charm, its relaxed, and the people are quite friendly. I have received a few gawking stares, but nothing too bad. In general, its quite welcoming, but not too welcoming to annoy you either.

One last thing, last night in my hostel, a Chinese guy came around looking for extras in a Chinese War Movie. The translated name is "Moon Star" and should be out next March or April. Anyhow, he is looking for westernrs to play British soldiers in his movie, so of course I signed up for the 3 days of filming. It should be fun.

Continued journal entries in China:
September 18, 2001

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