Andong, Korea - October 5, 2003

Just recently took a trip to Andong with a few friends. They had the annual mask festival. I went down with one friend from Seoul to meet up with a friend from Cheonnan who took his car and we all drove to Andong.

We stayed at a traditional village outside of town among many traditional houses and kind of a small-town atmosphere. Mainly the thing was quite a few mask dances, mostly Korean-style, but they had some from around the world as well, from places like Thailand, Japan, Brazil, Maori (of New Zealand), etc. Great time.

Anyone wishing to check out tradional Seoul would have a great time to see this slice of it particularly in October. Ill try to explain it more, but basically a festival, with alot of mask dancing. For example, there are some stages in the traditional village as well as Andong, very festival-like, with foods and a great atmosphere. There are several stages in Andong among the many tents and a few performance areas. In the traditional village, its more like a very small town with a decent size river and a cliff on the other side. The ending ceremony consisted of tossing fire over the mountain cliff landing near the river water.

One of the things I did the most of during this festival, is finally used my video camera to the extent that I needed to do in Korea. There were quite a few great images to catch of men and women dressed in traditional dress, tradional houses, and the atmosphere of the mask dancing on stage. Carrying on the habit, once I got back to Seoul, I went to several areas and continuing filming bit and pieces here and there as well. If I get a chance, or learn how to do it, I will add it to this website as well.

Next Journal Entry in Korea:
October 17, 2003

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