Castellón, España- June 14, 2004

Another course complete. Just finished a Population Studies course. Very interesting. I think I will do my term paper on the same subject. I did a presentation on urban stress because of increased population. I like the topic so much, I believe I will also do my term paper on it. As to the course itself, the topic pretty much sums up what it was all about. It would take about 3 weeks of daily 3-hour lectures to sum up more or less the sum up of what the professor gave us. The professor was an Indian guy from Bangalore who has been living and working in New York City for years. Apparently he´s been in the States for 30+ years minus a few UN assignemnts abroad in other countries.

This next course is Biodiversity. It was suppose to start today. But there was some mishap with the professor, so she´ll be coming in tomorrow instead. I was reading some of the reading material, and sounds interesting enough. Its also the last class of the semester.

Speaking of biodiversity, there was one thing about Spain, or particularly, Castellón that I wanted to mention. SNAILS everywhere!! Particularly on the rainy days which was much more last month. But everyday it rained, the sidewalks would be covered with snails absolutely everywhere. So much different than what I´m use to in the States where I´d see worms everywhere. I don´t recall seeing a single worm here. I almost seldom ever recall seeing a snail in the US either, outside Oregon. But even Oregon didn´t compare to the sheer numbers of snails everywhere during and after a good rain. They are funny too, as walkers mishappenly crush them often. So you have broken snail shells everywhere as well. Some are quite huge. They are stuck to the ground pretty good as well. I saw a monster one that I tried to move as the sun had come out. Figured he´d be stepped on for sure being the target he was. Tried to brush him quickly, but he was stuck right on the cement. Figured I´d leave him alone after that though. But, after a good rain, its not uncommon to see hundreds upon hundreds of snails everywhere!!

Since I´m on a roll.. the other thing I wanted to mention was the crosswalks. Its interesting in Castellón as many crosswalks have a button that the predestrian pushes. Once you push it, it pretty much turns the light yellow seemingly almost immediately, and you walk across. There are also many places here that seem to give the pedestrian a more right-of-way then even the U.S. I sometimes feel guilty getting near some of the crosswalks as I know cars will stop usually well beforehand. Just came to my mind.

I also wanted to mention that Summer is definetely here!! Many of the students now go to the beach most days after class. I haven´t as much, but went once and had a blast. The Meditteranean Sea is beautiful!! Actually I went a couple times, once with a small group of as the Professor from my Populations Studies class. I should really be taking advantage of going there more. At this time however, I´m very conscious of trying to get my papers done before this semester ends. I won´t have computer access after I leave Castellón, so its important I have everything done before I leave. The most critical part is the term paper, which most students do AFTER the term. My plan is to get it done before the term ends. This means I´ll be sacrificing many good beach days sitting in my room contemplating on what to write and all of that. Darn.

As far as July plans. I did indeed buy the ticket to Paris, but it seems less likely I will use it. I´m quite concerned about money, as I have none of it!! Everything goes on credit cards and hopefully financial student aid if it ever arrives!! Grrrr.. but anyhow. Right now the plan is to go down to Morocco for a few weeks. I´ll spend most of JULY down there. I figure its only a small fraction of the costs of Europe.. and I could use the change and the excursion. So now thats the plan.

Everything else is going well. I´m enjoying the classes.. but at the same time, I´m really anxious to be finished with this first semester and move on with things. There is a lot to look forward to. A month in Morocco, two months in Austria, then the final semester in Castellón in the Fall. I´ll have all of the coursework finished at that time, and going back to the States!! Its been awhile again since I´ve been in the U.S. and I have to say that at this time I quite miss the place.

Next Journal Entry in Spain:
June 29, 2004

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