links banner... hehe
Azn Pride Fade... reallie pretty..=)
Here are some links to some people's sites and junk.. all better than mine.. in no real particular order.. hehe.. sowee if your not on.. but I don't memorize everyone's sites or anything.. who does? hmmm.. don't answer that... hehe =)

Linda Yeh's Page Very nice page.. but those naked angels still bother me..

Emily Lu's Page Ah, yes, that girl that delights in spelling my last name wrong.. AHEM.. anywayz..

Alice Lin's Page wow, notice how all of theez sites r at TOKYO.. but im at SOHO! HAHAH! ok, anywayz, about this page.. havent gone for a while, but nice picture section (if i remember ryte...)

Iris Lee's Page hehe, hum, jus started (i think?) but the starry background ish cute! tehee..

Eva Lau's Page Nice page, even though it just got started... hehe, nice banners too..

Will Chang's Page hey! finally, notta tokyo.. ok, very nice page, nice song, and a section with mp3s in it... MUCH better than mine... hehe

Kat Wu's Page hehe... nice cloud background... kewl guestbook background too... hehe

Jen Chen and Jane Yu's Page Haven't checked this one out in a while.. is this even the right address? Oh well..

Josephine Hung's Page hehe.. another person hoo wrote in pink... but nice images (esp the title thingies) on this site.. hehe nice "anime" section background... ish cute!

Nathan Chan's Page hmm, havent gone to this page in a while... so i deno..

Ching-Wen Ni's Page havent gone to this one in a while either.. hehe.. but last timei went they had dancing dogs.. hehe... i deno tho =)

Elijah Park's Page hmm, sum hmm, unique, pictures here... hehe =)

hmm.. sowe.. my bookmarks aren't very updated.. so I'll check around and update this later..
