The Scorpio Female

    Whether striking or self-effacing, plain or ravishingly beautiful, the one adjective which best suits a Scorpio woman is seductive.
    To the Scorpio woman sex is as natural as breathing.  It's a psychology deeply rooted in her being.  Her sexuality permeates the atmosphere around her and accounts for a great deal of her attachments.
    Scorpio women love men or they need men or they hate men because they love them and they need them.  It's all part of the same story.  With many Scorpio women the story can become very complicated.
    When a Scorpio woman is emotionally involved, nothing is simple and a great deal can become convoluted overnight.  By nature, the Scorpio woman is shrewd and intuitive.  However, once she has been in the bedroom too long, her brain does not serve her well.
    Essentially, Scorpio women are all or nothing in their emotional response and have a tendency to become galvanized by powerful attractions that are highly problematic.  The man may be married, emotionally immature, insensitive to significant subtleties or downright egotistical and selfish.  Yet in this Scorpionic mind an invisible string connects and its fibers are sex.
    Scorpio women have an emotional memory in their bodies which can haunt them for days and even months.  The power of a powerful sensual attraction stays in the cells and speaks through ripples of desire and longing.  The desire nature is immensely strong in this woman, but its origin is deeply psychosexual and not the sort of shallow fascination with a handsome face.
    There is usually mystery, power and great sensual appeal underlying the scorpio woman's magnetic attraction.  Often to friends the real mystery lies in what she sees in him.  Nonetheless, to the Scorpio woman's mind, the je ne sais quoi is all-consuming.
    It is not terribly uncommon to see an awesomely attractively woman in this sign attached to a man who should not be let out in public.  However, usually the couple does not go out in public.  Quite often he doesn't even bother to call.  The fact that they get together most likely has to do with her patience, positive thinking and exclusive obsessive-compulsive preoccupation.  When a Scorpio woman is obsessed, she is inclined to give all - reason, emotion, energy, inventiveness - to receive less in return.   In her mind, she is being fulfilled to the depths of her body's intelligence.
    To the Scorpio woman this sort of connection breathes of myth and eternity.  Through the mystery of her own body she is able to become another person - a person perhaps no one else knows, but nevertheless, a person she most wants to be.  Perhaps it is a wanton woman or an adored damsel or a female who is fed by the power of an imagined protector.  The Scorpio woman can play it out within the confines of her bedroom - with or without the knowledge or consent of her lover.  Through her response, a subterranean reality evolves that becomes increasingly involving.  The power of sex, the power of her lover in the moment, the power of her own consuming sensuality is psychosexual.  Whatever or whomever the lover may be in reality, when there is great sexual passion he takes on the identity of it in her mind.  Therefore, it is the power of her own response which arouses and transports her.  Her passionate lover is a psychological projection, not a person, but he is a powerful projection nonetheless.
    A Scorpio woman caught up in a passionate projection is a person who can't be reasoned with under any circumstances.  This sort of passion is a druglike and addictive experience, simultaneously enhancing surrounding sensual stimuli and reducing a reasonable, practical, logical mode of thinking.  The power and problems of the real world recede while the internal pull of the projection takes over and can take on a life of its own.
    Even more for the Scorpio woman than for the man, passion, when evoked, is an enormous pull.  It can become a total immersion into a netherworld that is primordial in nature, feeling powerless in the face of rational choice.  The core of her identity becomes an obsessive-compulsive thrust which can have a wearing effect with time.
    There are many obsessive Scorpio women who fail to learn and therefore, benefit from the lessons of their passions.  In the vein of fixed water, they repeat the essence of their experiences and cling to emotional behavior patterns that are self-defeating.
    The ego drive - which can include the desire to seduce and conquer - can be very strong in the Scorpio female.  This is a sign that is particularly vulnerable to the presentation and trappings of power.  There is often a sense of exaltation that comes from tasting power firsthand and  through significant others.  At times power can become a priority over more compassionate considerations.  The drive toward it can become a compulsion that diminishes personal happiness in time.
    In the Scorpio woman there is either a need for power and dominance or a need to attach to a man of power - and sometimes both.  The late Princess Grace of Monaco was a Scorpio, and in her lifetime, achieved great worldly power - but at a cost of considerable personal unhappiness.  The struggle for power can be such a passion in the Scorpio woman's personality that it dominates and dictates the tone and guidelines of every relationship.   When so driven, Scorpio women can be consuming - to both themselves and others.  Yet at the same time, they cannot simply pull the plug on their emotions.  They must live through them.  They must allow their emotions, drives, compulsions and complexes to take them somewhere - to a place within of insight, clarity, wisdom and compassion.  In short, the Scorpio woman must learn how to live with herself successfully before she is able to live with anyone else.  This is a test of true power.
    The inner world of the Scorpio woman is a vast, deep, often adumbrated terrain.  Emotions lurk behind every turn.  Some ignite under the full force of the will, and some never really surface and are felt as dark downswings of moods.  It is not easy living as a Scorpio woman.  Likewise, it is not that easy loving.  This intense nature is strongly expressed in its attachments.  Such intense attachments often seem doomed from the start by their very intensity.
    Scorpio can be a cold, ruthless sign when seeking control.  When a Scorpio woman is betrayed, or sometimes ignored, a slow, burning ferocity is born that can be merciless.  This need for control can be so deep within the personality that she may avoid relationships altogether.  Although Scorpio is commonly considered the sign of sex, it is not uncommon to see Scorpio women who completely withdraw from sexual relationships until they feel a deeper sense of control.  To reiterate, sex to a Scorpio is deeply psychological.  It is always the attitude about themselves in relation to the partner which constitutes the strength of the passion.  Unlike the beauty-conscious Libra, a Scorpio woman can become fatally attracted to someone who, by society's standards, might be considered unattractive.  However, something in the psyche must feel the "switch go on" or else the moment will not amount to much.  When not emotionally involved, a Scorpio woman can treat a man as if he died but doesn't yet know it.  That mysterious, elusive pull away from reason must put them in a place of silent wonder.  When properly in love, Scorpio dies, goes to heaven and is reborn.
    Especially for Scorpio women with their enormous emotional intensity, love can be a vast learning experience which can be transformative and lead to great personal and spiritual power.  It is the power of being able to hear with the heart and see through the eyes of wisdom.  The Scorpio woman who has gone through many evolutionary stages, who has encountered herself along the way in many guises - some pretty, some unpleasant, some hopeful and inspiring - will eventually be able to claim her richness and become a vast source of power for herself and others.
    Power evolves through the Scorpio woman who becomes aware of the true value of love.  In her psyche, power and love will both evoke their own myth and mystery.  The path it will take will be through her own uniqueness.  For the Scorpio woman, this is a path of infinite possibility fueled by her compassion and capacity to learn from day to day.  The reward for the journey is a constantly renewing inner self, steadily emerging from the darkness to cast its own light through love, a light that quietly leads the way.

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