Hi! I am the creator of this dear place, although it may not be dear to you. In case you're wondering, I'm a young teenager with, I hope, talents for literature. Please e-mail me with comments of all sorts, even if its bad, I do need feedback, you know.
I live in the United States, and my friends say I'm pretty smart, although I doubt that. I spend most of my days on the internet, so you might catch me, especially on weekends and holiday vacations. Otherwise, I'm busy loafing around my house, watching T.V. or just plain daydreaming. If you wish to speak to me in a Yahoo! chatroom, my screen names are fireiz (which includes zora_wolfzvane) and Dragon_of_the_Unknown_Regions. If you have aol, my AIM name is izoftiger.
Hmm, anything else? Oh, I'm female and Chinese (and quite proud of it). If you want to know, I've written many unfinished stories of all sorts of genres, but my favorite genre is... Wait, you might already know, so why bother to tell you?
Just give me feedback whenever you can and if you want to and suggestions to make this site much more better. If you can, give me fantasy pics and music, I'm having a hard time finding nice ones. Don't forget if you have a fantasy poem or short story, send it right in! And don't forget links!

I'm in Stuyvesant High School in New York City. So far the classes suck but I just joined a bunch of clubs!!! Lessee, what can I remember? I joined the Key (volunteering) Club, Tae Kwan Doe, Tennis, Smile Train (fundraising thing for countries with lots of birth defects), Chinese Association, Chinese Culture, J.E.T.S (engineering cuz my friend made me), Anime, American Red Cross, if there's more, I can't remember them. I think this makes my Stuy life a bit better. ^_^ P.S. I'm dropping almost all of them, except for Anime and Red Cross, the other things are questionable.
Hey, Stuy still sux. But who cares, just get through the four years right? Well I did drop all of the clubs except the two I mentioned. Hey, have you ever read
Catcher in the Rye? Well, I'm reading it right now for English, and its one of the greatest books I have ever read. Really! It's just a bit confusing, but its the best of all the books I've read so far this term, which includes Snow Falling on Cedars and Cold Mountain. (I think my teacher has an attachment to war)
Other Worlds
The Magical War Character Traits
Fantasy Lair
Windows Into Lives