I always sit in the middle of the carpeted floor of my living room after school and through the night, doing my homework. Sometimes it takes forever, so I eat there too, other times I'm finished in a few hours and I'm off doing something else. Tonight it was taking forever, but only because I was feeling lazy and my brain had burnt out during the last chem. Test. That was last week. I guess cramming too many information in a short period of time comes with consequences. Doesn't matter anyway, eventually this school stuff's gonna be finished. It's always interesting when I'm taking a long time doing homework. Someone's gonna turn on the T.V. and I'll be watching something I like or something I hate, which doesn't really matter since it's a distraction. Distractions are always good, especially when I've been looking at the same math equation for the past hour. This time, my sister turned the T.V. on. I think it was time for her favorite show. Something about a creek I think. I don't like it much, but I'll watch anyway because I don't want to be ganged up by numbers. There are two people, a girl and a boy, teens, obviously a couple because they're making out on a pier. The smacking noises drown my ears and I forget about math for a while. Especially when the scene changes and the plot begins, but of course I don't get it because I don't follow the story line. Doesn't matter, I'll get it eventually, shows aren't that hard to understand. It's the same couple again, this time they're walking down a school hallway. Reminds me of the seventh floor hallway, where all the girls hangout. The guys are usually at the courts or something. They look like a perfectly happy couple, they're smiling and clinging to each other. So clingy - reminds me of my ex - its just too bad that the guy she kissed last night steps right in front of them. You'd think the guys'll get in a fight, but no, they whack each other on the head with those big words of theirs - where did they learn them anyway? Big whoop. A fight would've been more interesting except it turns out the girl was drunk last night. Oops, big mistake, you never drink with someone you don't trust. Doesn't matter anyway, I can hear my sister sobbing away because the girl has to prove herself to her boyfriend. What kind of world is this anyway? Any guy would have knocked that jerk out before he even finished his first sentence. Now the show tries to tug at your heart by telling having the girl struggle to regain that guy's trust. My sister's bawling into the pillows on the couch behind me. Anyway, it's time for commercials and I just remembered I hadn't finished my homework. Looking back at the list of numbers and symbols in front of me, I realize that we had done something like this in class just yesterday. Silently screwing myself over verbally, I quickly finish the problem as I listen to some commentator stating about how great some car is. Like I give a fuck. I'm not looking to buy a car. My sister had ran out the room to get some tissues I guess and now she comes storming back in because she hears the voices of the actors of the show. This time there are three people I don't recognize talking to each other. I don't know who they are and I don't care about what they're saying either, but I watch. Something about some guy running away. My sister seems to know what they're talking about, she's yelling and screaming at the T.V., telling them where this guy is and everything. She tosses a pillow at the machine as one of the people said something stupid. I don't think she likes these people. Not like I care anyway, these people don't even exist, plus they're only saying what was written on the script. The phone rings. I don't bother to answer it, it's too far away and I don't wanna get up. My sister answers it, its probably for her anyway, she has way too many friends. I get an answer when she starts jabbering away at a mile a minute. Damn, I didn't know she could relay so much information so fast. I'm still staring mindlessly at the screen, I can barely hear what the people are saying over her voice. All of sudden she squeals, making my ears bleed. Whoever on the phone must've told her something romantic or "cute" her boyfriend did. It reminds me of the times when I'd love to hear silly stories about my ex, I'm beginning to feel a lil nostalgic. Something went crashing onto the tile floor of the kitchen. Something metal by the hollow sound of it. I hope it wasn't dinner, I'm also beginning to get hungry. The voice from the T.V. and my sister's mingled with each other. I was listening to one side of a conversation about the coolest clothes worn by the hottest guys in school and a screaming duel between people I barely recognize. My brain gets confused by the tech pants and the mistrust they have for one another. This is worse than homework, which again reminds me that I still have to finish the other half of my math. I'm supposed to be one of the top students in school and here I am, unwilling to even look at my schoolbooks and hearing about which piercing would look cool on what guy. By now my sister had lowered the volume of the T.V. so she could hear her friend better. Did you know that it's a fact that an eyebrow piercing would look hot on Danny? I sure didn't. I can't even imagine him with a metal rod sticking to his forehead. Whatever, back to homework since there isn't anything interesting to distract myself with. What's two square root of 4 again? Damn my brain really did shut off, time for the scientific calculator. Do I love that thing or what. Got me out of a lotta jams with numbers. My mom's screaming at my dad to stop getting in her way when she's cooking. He does that all the time she states, he doesn't reply, but I guess he left the kitchen 'cuz I hear his footsteps coming toward the living room, where we are. He just finished off a cig too 'cuz I can smell the smoke emanating from his clothes. He also came with a scent of spring flowers. My mom sure loves to garden. I can hear him behind me, making my sister sit up so he could have a seat on the couch. By the sound of his grunting and shuffling, he reached for the remote and changed the channel to ESPN and pumped the volume up. I look up to see some men in suits sitting behind a made up news castor desk discussing their opinions about last night's game. Boring stuff. Who cares about what you think when you're paid to tell the world about the stats of games and shit? So back to homework. By now I feel like doing it and it gets easier and easier, with the help of some brain whacking and my calculator of course. My dad's grumbling about the lousy bastards that screwed up last night and my sister's conversation moved forward to hairdos. I definitely don't care to eavesdrop on either of those things. I punch some numbers on the calculator for it to compute something math thing for me and I write the answer down. Who cares about showing the work, it's the last problem anyway and I'm done. I gladly close my heavy math book - much to heavy for a book about stupid numbers and the many equations, which you don't need to know - and jam all the papers into my binder. Who cares that it'll be hell to find the work I just did tonight tomorrow? I'm done with my homework for God's sake. I pack my bag and slide the textbooks over to some out of the way place so my mom won't scream her head off at me for putting things in people's way. I stretch my arms and back and turn my attention to the T.V. My mom's yelling at Dad again. Something about not buying groceries when he knows that she doesn't have time and there's nothing in the 'fridge. I didn't even hear him get up and leave. I don't care anyway. I get the remote and channel surf for something interesting to watch. It's time to have enjoy myself with the few precious minutes I have left before my mom yells that its dinner time. I hear my sister giggling in the background and I hope whoever's on the other side isn't talking about me. Not like I didn't know she talks about me, she thinks I'm a geek and is horrified that she's related to me. Which explains why we don't tell people we're siblings, and its not like our friends need to know that we are. Like I want her to be my sister. I hope my mom isn't making any fish, I'm getting sick of fish. All we had since two weeks ago was fish. I flip through MTV, hoping to God that she didn't see they were play some boy band thing. She didn't scream or kick me - good - she didn't notice a thing. Thank God. I just settled on watching Cartoon Network when I remember there's a thesis due tomorrow for English. Fuck. Now I have to get up and go up the stairs to my room and actually think. Like my brain wants to. It will though, I know it will, I always do this to myself and write the best papers and get good grades. People think I'm smart I just think they're dumb. Most of the crap I know I'm gonna write is gonna be crap, only worded smartly. Heh these teachers are dumb. Oh well I guess I'll go and do that five page paper now, I'm going to have to try and finish the bulk of it before dinner or I won't get any sleep. I haven't even showered yet. Damn I hate school. Oh well at least my computer has some interesting distractions.