I am LyroDarkhorse< /b>

The description of my page is

One crisp morning Lyro was nudged awake by his mom along with his siblings. She had planned to begin their training so they would be good hunters for the pack. Lyro, always curious, strayed from his mom and siblings as she was giving lessons. He was over the hill when he heard many strange noises d screams of terror and pain from his family. Remembering his mother's instruction to hide in times of uncertainty he did. He snuck out later to find his mother and siblings laying, hideless, in pools of blood. He lay whimpering by the body of his mother for several days, weakened, dazed he never even heard the man as he siezed him by the scruff of the neck. He was then taken to the man's home where he was starved and beaten and penned with the man's dog who was larger and mean. Though he was beaten to submission his spirit still blazed bright. He lived this way many months until one day while in a training session the man was attacked by a panther. Lyro saw his chance and he took it. He wandered aimlessly until he reached Intercity where he found other wolves. He befriended Jtshaw and PhoFlame and they showed him a safe haven created by a very caring and loving biped, Hugahay. She has an immense love for the wolves and has become one of the very few bipeds Lyro loves and trusts. He also considers Moswen and Sabra_Kult among his kindred spirits and loves them dearly...few others among the bipeds elicit his trust. He grew strong until he left the pack to form his own gang, Spirits Blaze, with his mate and love Shawna_ice. Unfortunately she disappeared with his pups as quickly as she came into his life...you will find him in the city or dessert searching, hoping....and..if you ever see a cunning black wolf with goldeneyes and an earring (refelction of his gang status) tread lightly then if you are up to mischief...

~~His Journey Runs On...~~

One late afternoon, as the sky turned charcoal with approaching dusk, Lyro's sleek black form padded into the pub. His golden eyes could barely comprehend the sight that awaited them.... amber eyes framed in silvery white wolf fur met his. Shawna_Ice had returned. His heart at that moment lept for joy as it was also twisted and torn to shreds. Fore you see, Shawna had been gone so long that during the time Lyro suffered, and nearly passed on from the breaking of his life's bond to her, another lifeline had stretched out a hand to save him. That life line was Flame_Windsong1, whom he loved dearly and had transferred the bond to.

There he stood, believing his eyes were decieving him. Alas, they were not. Shawna, greeting him then announced he was a father. She led him and Flame to her pups, hidden in old tire in a run down greenhouse. 3 little sets of innocent eyes peaked out at them as he was told that one had died also in birth.

Not wishing to hurt either and seeking the most honorable way for all, Lyro was nearly torn to shreds. Flame turned to slip away, her love for him great enough to sacrifice her happiness....

Lyro saw this as well as leaning on the wisdom and love of his most trusted friend, Hugahay, Lyro knew he had to come to terms because the decision would be painful for either, but a decision had to be made.

He called to Flame as she disappeared and as she returned he mustered all the strength his lithe body had. He asked Shawna to stay, where he could protect her and the pups, yet made it clear the bond was now with Flame. Shawna's love for him was also great, and she could not bear to stay. She chose instead to leave, alone...leaving the pups to him, naming the girl after herself (Lyro gave her the right to name any/all she so chose, as well as encouraged her to visit). She lovingly bade the pups goodbye and turned, her silvery form visiable for long minutes as it disappeared, padding down the cold, cement street into the night.

Suddenly, Lyro turned, looking at two pups of gingery blend of autumn golds, reds and browns blotting the white silver fur and the third whelp a pure coal black with sparkling blue eyes, featured like her father. Flame stepped to his side, adopting the pups as if they were her own, caring for them and offering them a mother's love.

Though the road ahead of them was paved with many difficulties, Flame and Lyro soon forged a stronger, even deeper bond as they lovingly cared for the pups.

Lyro then felt a new pull....his time granted to his kind of being an elf for 24 hours of the year was nearing. He decided then to seal his commitment to Flame and use this most special time to do so. So on that date (8/27/99), Lyro wed Flame, both in their elven forms, performed by HugsGm in a most sacred and love filled ceremony that the city had rarely seen.

They then settled near the city with their family, Kyrran, Trouble (just like his dad) and Shawna. Soon after Flame was found to be expecting twins. Their joy knew no bounds and their happiness seemed complete .... when ... Flame ... disappeared .....


Lyro had sent Flame away, to keep her safe as intercity was ravaged by war, unwittingly sending her into the jaws of danger. She was captured by pirates and taken to serve their leader as he saw fit.

Believing the lies Captain Coal told her of her husband's death and forced to protect her unborn children she was given the options to be his consort or be auctioned off for genetic experimentation.

Flame bided her time and used her cleverness and hidden spell ability to break free of her captor as her friends rushed to her aid...Could they arrive at the auction in time to save her....? Or would Coal win....his heels forever leaving their ghastly sound in her mind as he walked away?

~~Captain Coal~~