Dreams come true
for those who love you.

sweet dreams
are where
there is not
an absence of you

You paint the image from my words
as seen from your heart
through the miracle
of what we are together.

Being with you
is what sets me free

If you enjoy what you see here, Please take a moment
to sign our guestbook. You will find it
at the bottom of this page.

Love's Rose
words by Chance
image by Chandler

lovers sleeping in a rose

we are a home together
and an empty house alone

Keep me
in your backpack
all day.

"Loving him means
being the brightest dawn
after his darkest night"

The heart
deals your hand,
only you
can decide
to fold or hold".

Your desire
is touching
my most tender soul
and my heart
will follow
thy loving care.


I have a smile for you :)
because the words I can't say
always stay hidden away.

I want to remember more
than just your smile

Feel free to scroll through the gallery.
To take a guided tour of the Word and Vision Gallery, click on the arrow below. . .

or click on any of the small pictures to visit the room where the full picture and poem are showing.
The latest work is always showing on this page.
Scroll down to view it.

Where do you bury an angel?

Tears are raindrops from the heart

flying dove reverse flying dove

"Comforting love
is what everyone craves,
by unchartered nights,
Will it bring peace tonight?"

Every person
feels the need to believe.
Myths will not set us free
no matter how good it feels.

Wind ships
sail away
as clouds
surround me

Gay Terms:
I Love You = You can keep a toothbrush at my place.
"I am so lonely" followed by the *sad puppy dog look* =
Eventually I am gonna end up getting naked
and the other guy smiling a lot".

the Latest from Chance

just a lonely boy lost in his poet's dream.


Sometimes taken
Often given
Too often removed
Always with the price of pain

Love is the loneliest gift
Overlooked or forsaken
Beneath the aching heart

Removed from the fear
Stopped after the searching
Love is patiently waiting
Forgotten by chance

Hope that brings you home
Catch him watching through fog
Inhaling warmth from your love
Never again left alone

Love surrounds heaven
Home is there
Souls come and go
But never do they leave
On their own

Falling towards the lesson
Waiting quietly for your purpose
Living here is only worth the journey
If the prize is achieved

For you see
Love travels
through eternity
and beyond

Delivered From Doubt

Everytime I am close to you
My breath is pulled away
Forgetting I love you
Sunsets of minds memories
haunt the day

A heart full of hope
Made fuller
by your presence
Lights the passage way
Leaving a cold life behind

Steps toward love
Worth falling for
Taking me inside your heart
Without asking questions
Protecting me before I am gone

Sweet love
is all I can be to you
Please understand your touch is desire
Everything you are is life to me
All I have to give is me
Letting go
is only worth the trip
If we can buy my innocence
With all the beauty
we shall see

Why It Matters

Falling without innocence
Broken with rage
Doing what no one else
ever let me do
Finding a way to let myself go
Swiftly carried closer to the truth
Yearning for you

Finding love could mean burning slow
I could not be with him
Silently he let the new
fall away for the old
In darkness
he made the choice

With love he chose
Waiting for the end to be done
Carried blind to you
Spending all his time lost
Hoping to be found
Distracted by the little boys release

Damp tears stain weak flesh
Real love finds him here


Blue is the moment for me
A color so bright
it can mean you
an emotion so deep
it can pull me below you
I need the blue you
moments we share
in a fantasy of blue

Can you connect sadness
with the color blue
oceans are the color
of me and you
only he knew

Blue is an ice
that freezes the heart
Blue can be heat
that suspects it will burn you
I need to be blue
Blue covers me and you
Blue is a feeling
that will cry loving you

Hold me till I turn blue
You are the color blue
I need to be spiraled
in a sea of blue
waves washing over me and you

Purity is the color blue
Innocence is blue
until you look upon death
Blue covers you
Blue is love
and you know I do

Always counting on blue
it is ever present and near
Blue will be the last light I see
Baby when will you take my blues away
Feeling you only burns me
I need you to make our souls touch
nothing will be as good as blue
Blue will make us
Or break us
But please baby take us

Here or There

An ocean lies
Waves crash only once
Waters of the deepest blue
Take everything apart

The world is perfect
Why not for the rest of us
Fire burns tender hearts
Icy waters numb it all

Always the cold returns
Loneliness is 100 proof
Desire always takes
It burns as it consumes

Lost tonight
A hamlet by the sea
Taking searching seriously
Just a voice and a smile
Wait until he lets you see

Smile on Me

something in my voice
makes my heart break
If you could see
the loneliness of my life
You would call someone
to change the ways I see
A veil of night covers me
Sunshine begs to be set free

Our moment
is everything to me
Waited a lifetime
to see your smile
Then a moment our hearts touched
Beauty is treasure
to those cast out
to the darkest sea

fills the void inside myself
Something so wrong
in a life so right
Numbness begs me home again
Remember you gave life to me
Time and again
your smile is there for me

Wailing in the night
Babies cry with mornings first light
A heart waits patiently through it all
Taking every chance
just to be yours
Walking beside the darkest sea
With the most beautiful seashell
Makes your smile a treasure to me

Always Isn't Long Enough

Together Forever
Because Always isn't long enough
Our hearts have become one
Eternally our Love lives
Teach me the way home
Shared moments in time
Love survives
Hold me Forever
Because Always isn't long enough

Walking beside the one you love
Taking the pain to see the good
Forever protecting the child in me
Because Always isn't long enough
Teaching the heart to love
when the heart was dead indeed
Forever precious to my soul
Because Always isn't long enough

Memories pulled me below the surface
A child's darkness is a hollow home
Forever your Love's Light opened a door
Because Always isn't long enough
My silent prayer was heard
When time ended you were there
Forever loving me
Because Always isn't long enough

Play with me
in a castle made of sand
and forever
isn't long enough.

Enough to last forever
is more than I can see,
so I will trust
for the first time

The only mirror
I ever desired
to be beautiful in
was my reflection
in your eyes

I found the perfect stud
once upon a time
He had a tiny dick....
There is a God
and he has a sense of humor,
Go Figure!

flying dove I found my diamond stud
in a world full of rhinestones".

Love is like a secret
everyone knows but you
and it tends to get around

Whoever made up
the "don't ask, don't tell" rule
was definitely not gay....
Cause you just know
a gay man will ask
and he sure as hell
is gonna tell someone

Looking for a dream,
somewhere drifting away,
for somebody to say
"All I want to do is love you."

Time sweeps past memories from yesterday,
and catches me anticipating tomorrow's sunrise,
but oh, what happens between the two
is where delicious is found.

Moments remembered for Love
forever grace the day

Virgin white
glistens from crystals
falling from heaven's sky
In this, I see
the beauty and heartache
as tears flood
from the darkness
of being alone
on a winter's night

We are born
with love,
but we have to learn
how to hate

Love touches
for the beauty of knowing
instead of taking

"Hearts break
so that Love
gets the opportunity
to try again

Love keeps you
from looking around
and when you close your eyes
he always appears

For one brief second I saw inside myself
and found a capacity to love
that has not yet been discovered...
that frightens me".

"Life can take everything else precious,
but a kind heart does not fade with time".

Love is floating gently
by the window
as long
as the reflection
we see
is always
of you and me

Catch a falling star
and you will never
want to let him go

Falling stars light the way to Heaven's Gate.

If everyone
could catch a falling star
then beauty
would lose its way

The score is the face of lust,
the win is the stuff love lasts on,
and the penalty is self inflicted

Don't make me lonely
underneath the cover of love

Being alone hurts,
until you awaken
and love yourself

a broken heart
doesn't always heal
back to it's former self,
but thankfully,
it never quits trying.

Love works
just like a savings account....
deposit more,
withdraw less,
and time
will result
in compounded growth

Love is unfamilar
to the world's loneliest soul
Dreams surface
in the heart
that could make us

"I am tired
of black and white Rainbows,
silent movies,
and women in pants"

...me in a previous life I think.

creatures of the night
consider the heavens
to be their cathedral

Come into night with me
as black satin
lays cool
against the warmth
we make.

"A heart can be frozen
by the cold
and yet
the soul carries love's faith".

A heart
isn't true
to itself
it has been
and healed
by love

Honor is a gift
that is chosen
and Love is
the smallest seed
of the heart.
Both are worth
the fruit they bear.

steeples tall
and people small
as London rain
will always fall

When angels fall
we still love
what is gone

Is it possible
to love someone
you can not see?
If not,
how sad
for the blind

its lonely
inside a seashell
if you are a starfish

the evening's razor
cuts to the bone
and pain disappears


What Dreams May Come

Card Shop

electronic cards
from the work on this page

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all rights to words and images reserved
material may not be reprinted without permission.

for more information, click below to email us.


We are honored to have been nominated for these awards.
Winning them made us feel like a big gold guy.
Click big "O" to see the awards we have won
and links to other great sites.

The week of February 20th
this site was honored as
site of the week
by the Gay Male Couples Network.
be sure to visit them for more sites dedicated to love
between men.

GMCN is the brain child of
the always astonishing Rocky... aka Miss D.

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You can sometimes find one or both of us online
at gay.com

Please come back soon and visit us. We hope to update frequently.

Our last update was on

August 16, 2K

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