East San Jose Carnegie Library

San Jose, California

Carnegie Library

The East San Jose Carnegie Library has been open for continuous service since construction was completed in 1908. The library remains one of the oldest Carnegie Libraries in continuous use and the only one of five once in Santa Clara County. Initially, the library was part of the City of East San Jose, which was incorporated on 1906, in part so that it could qualify for a $7,000 Carnegie grant for the library. City officials had to agree to provide the land where it was located, as well as to spend $700 annually to support it. In 1911, East San Jose voted overwhelmingly to annex to the city of San Jose. The 3-year old library and its employees came with the deal and began operating as a branch library. The library bulding was subsequently expanded from the rear to increase its capacity and utility to the public.
The Library is located at 1102 East Santa Clara Street. San Jose.

Carnegie Library

*Sketch-Early Years Of Carnegie Library Branch

*Winner of obverse design for Year 2000 Medal to be struck by San Jose Coin Club.
For more information write to the San Jose Coin Club at P.O. Box 5621, San Jose, CA 95150.

Carnegie Library Medal

Carnegie Library Branch
San Jose Coin Club Year 2000 Medal
Bright Bronze

Carnegie Library Medal

Carnegie Library Branch
San Jose Coin Club Year 2000 Medal
Antique Bronze

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