Computer Graphics Classes

Chesterfield Senior Center
47275 Sugarbush, Chesterfield Twp. MI 48047

The seniors at Chesterfield Senior Center in Chesterfield Township, MI are excited to be learning Paint Shop Pro, a very powerful graphics program. There are 12 seniors who are expanding their creativity, sharpening memory skills, and now seeing their images on the web. As they progress through the class, you can see how their images will get more sophisticated as they learn a myraid of skills that enable them to create interesting special effects.

The spring session of classes began March 21st and ran through the first week in June. Some students are completing Paint Shop Pro lessons at home during the summer. Check out Marlene's page by clicking on her name.

Happy Spring From Jay

Spring Animation Logo

Happy Spring From Carol

Glitter Noise Easter Eggs

Happy Mother's Day From Laureen!

Projects Using Vector

Students will be working on vector projects to increase their free-hand drawing skills using Paint Shop Pro. Vector drawings consist of lines, curves and shapes that are connected to create a graphic. You can start out with a basic color, but no other effects can be added until the vector image is converted to a Raster image. At that time, colors, drop shadows, gradients, and other effects can be added. Raster images are represented by a series of dots (pixels). Students are often intimidated by vector, but I am trying to get them to overcome their fear!

Click here to see Carol's Vector Art page.

Click here to see Jean's Vector Art page.

Experimenting With Paint Shop Pro

Students in the Tuesday 2:00 class had an introductory lesson to Paint Shop Pro and Animation Shop so I could show them what can be done with their images. They created an animation using one of the Image Transition Effects.

Click here to see Tuesday 2:00 Class Animations.

Information About Paint Shop Pro

These Paint Shop Pro class will focus on creating graphics from scratch as well as modifying existing graphics to achieve a variety of effects through the use of tools, color manipulation, filters, masks and textures. There are 6 possible classes for students to take:

  • Beginners
  • Intermediate
  • Animation Shop
  • Advanced Paint Shop Pro
  • Introduction To Design Principles
  • Designing Logos For Fun And Profit
  • The kaleidoscope animation was created by Jeanne Nisbet. First she created her own gradient rainbow. She made an 8 layer image and applied the kaleidoscope effect to each layer, but she changed the rotation angle on each layer to create the animation.

    Jeanne's Kaleidscope

    Marge's patriotic animation was created by using the USA flag mask in PSP.

    Marge's Patriotic Animation

    Click here to visit Jasc Paint Shop Pro web site.

    Click on the arrow next to the box and then click the GO button for informative sites abouts working with color.

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    Last Updated June, 2006
    by Diane

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