self portrait

Home Contents

Dave Atwater



Art Work

Welcome to Dave Atwater's Home Page.

Inside you will find examples of my art work.

I hope you enjoy them.

Artist Statement

I consider my art a form of meditation.

Drawing is about seeing. It is not about what you think you see.

When I do blind contours or paint with a brush, I shut out the rest of the world and focus on the model. Only when I am finished, only then do I look down at the paper to see what my hand registered.

That is the joy and excitement about this process. After letting the creative energies flow, you discover the mystery of what has been generated.

New Art is now on Flickr Page

I am putting my new art work up on Flickr. Please visit My Flickr page

Deviant Art

I am experimenting with Deviant Art, and I have some work there. Check it out. Please visit My Deviant Art Page


Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2006 Dave Atwater
Last modified: 01/26/07