Welcome to my Rocky Horror Fan Page

I don't know why I like Rocky Horror so much. The first time I ever watched it was on Halloween. VH1 was doing one of their specials, and of course it was edited. I didn't even get to watch the whole show since I was taken away by some friends, that's another story.  
   I think that's when the story began. A few months after that, I decided that I would have to buy the video, though I never saw the whole movie. It was all downhill from there. I've been to the show a few times before they stopped playing it in Pittsburgh, to which I'm very upset about. If anyone knows where else I can see it, e-mail me!

To find out more about
The Rocky Horror Picture Show or to become a member of the fanclub, this is the link you need.  They even have clips from the show!

I recomend even the easily offended watch this movie at least once. I think, not to get too philosophical on you, that this is a very odd commentary on life, and our need to be "normal"