Jeremy's Story

Lyn was going to change her clothes soon, and Jeremy didn't like it. Jeremy wanted Lyn to keep her dress on, because he thought she looked pretty in a dress. He didn't like it when she wore pants. But all Lyn's dresses were dress-up clothes, and the time to be dressed up would soon come to an end.

It was raining outside, and Lyn had to go out, but she could not go out in the rain in her nice dress, could she? Even Jeremy knew that. He wanted to ask why, but he knew he would be embarrassed by the time he got through getting an answer. But Jeremy still did not like it. There had to be some way for Lyn to stay inside. Maybe she could wear another dress--one that would not get damaged if it got wet. But all of Lyn's dresses were pretty clothes, not dresses that could be worn out in the rain. Nice girls didn't wear nice clothes in nasty weather, did they? Did that mean they had to wear nasty clothes in nasty weather, then?

"Jeremy," said Mama. "Jeremy!" she said again.

"Yes?" said Jeremy.

"You know Lyn must not go out in those clothes."

"Yes, Mama. But couldn't she have some nice clothes to wear when it rains?"

"You don't want Lyn to get sick, do you?"

"No, Mama."

"Then Lyn must wear these pants. It's for her own good."

Mama gave the pants to Lyn. "Go to your room and put these on. You don't need to change your underwear."

Jeremy looked at Mama. "I think it's starting to clear up," he said hopefully.

"No, dear, it's still raining. Run along, Lyn, and take off your dress and hang it up in the closet next to your wedding gown."

Lyn went to her room and took off her dress as she was told. Even though she had been told she didn't have to take off her underwear, she did start to take off her petticoat. Mama stopped her.

"Leave your petticoat on, Lyn," said Mama. "These are short pants you can wear under it. You can wear this dress when you go out."

"Thank you, Mama," said Lyn as she put on a new dress over her petticoat.

Jeremy was shocked and pleased to see that Lyn now did have a rainy-day dress. "Did you buy this for Lyn--or for me?" he asked when he saw it.

"I bought it for all of us," said Mama. "Don't you think your father looks beautiful in it?"

"Yes," said Jeremy. "Gorgeous."


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