Robert L. Cambil

97 Carisbrooke Sq, Scarborough ON  M1B 4M3,,  (416) 287-9868


Profile: E-Commerce Developer/Architect seeking an exciting opportunity to leverage

                my 3+ years experience with application development and deployment and

                exploit  exceptional skills in Requirements Specification, Solution Design,

               Visual Basic, SQL Server, ADO, ASP, and COM on Windows environments.



Soft Skills

·       Nimble     

·       Persistent

·       Technically Creative

·       Results Oriented


Technical Skills

Object-Oriented Development

Coad Unified Modeling Language, Rational Rose, VISIO 2000 Software Modeling

Booch  Iterative Development

Construction & Deployment of DCOM Business Components


Desktop, Peer-to-Peer Business Solutions

Systems Analysis, Requirements Specification

Visual Basic 5.0, 6.0, Access 97, 2000, Office 97, 2000 Intranet

Visual Basic for Applications, Win32 API, TCP/IP   

Windows 3.x, 9.x, Windows NT Workstation, LAN Networking/Cabling

Crystal Reports, Project Management


Client/Server, Internet Business Solutions

Systems Analysis, Requirements Specification

N-tier Architecture and Client/Server Design, Development, and Programming

Visual Basic 5.0, 6.0, Visual InterDev 6.0, Visual SourceSafe, FrontPage 2000

NT Server 4.0, Internet Information Server 4.0, SQL Server 6.5, 7.0

ActiveX Data Objects, Active Server Pages, Component Object Model

Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS), Project Management, Security


Relational Database Management Systems

Systems Analysis, Requirements Specification

Data Modeling/Normalization, ERWIN  

SQL Server Installation & Configuration, Security

Administration & Tuning, Transact-SQL, Stored Procedures

System/program prototyping, Query Optimization, Locking Techniques

Client  Programming, Project Management

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Professional Work Experience:

Reliant Technologies Group Ltd.                                                                 1995 – Present

Contract Programmer

·       Implemented several data validation/formatting  projects for Workers’

Compensation Board using Access.

·       Designed and implemented a Time & Billing application for independent contractors

using Access.

·       Designed and implemented a real-time Profit & Loss Statement generator

which enables low margin food-service outfits enjoy a firm handle on daily

operations, using Visual Basic and Excel.

·       Designed and implemented an executive Travel Expense Reimbursement

application for Loewen Group, Inc. using Visual Basic and SQL Server.

·       Designed and implemented a Web-based Technical Problem Tracking system

using Visual InterDev, ASP, SQL Server, and Internet Information Server.

·       Designed and implemented an Electronic Data Capture & Payroll program for an

Information Technology School using Visual Basic and Crystal Reports.

·       Implemented a System Registry Reading application for independent contractors

using Visual Basic and Win32 API.

·       Designed and published a database tutorial for connecting to and manipulating

a web-enabled SQL Server database using VBScript, SQL, HTML, ASP,

ADO, OLE-DB/ODBC, NT Server, SQL Server, and IIS.

·       Designed and implemented a web-based Production Scheduling System for a

corrugated packaging outfit using Visual Basic, VBScript, SQL, HTML, ADO,

ASP, COM, MTS, NT Server, IIS, SQL Server, and Visual SourceSafe.

·       Designed and implemented a 3-tier Order Processing/Purchasing/Inventory

Management system for a food retailer chain using Visual Basic, VBScript,

SQL, HTML, ASP, ADO, COM, MTS, NT Server, IIS and SQL Server.

· Designed and implemented an application for buying and selling foreign currencies

for a currency trading firm using Visual Basic and SQL Server.


Resins, Inc.                                                                                                     1989 - 1990

Assistant Purchasing Manager


Procter & Gamble                                                                                         1985- 1988

Marketing Representative




PrimeTech Institute                Software Programming Diploma                     1997   

Centennial College                 Mechanical Engineering Diploma Studies      1994

Ateneo de Manila                   B. Sc. Business Administration                       1985               


Sample pre-production code available upon request