Click here to see pics of where I work (For adults only, please).

Darkmare Romeo is one person: Brendan K Callahan.  All music (with a few exceptions), is done on my computer; this includes sampling, looping, virtual 808 & 909 drum machines, mastering, editing, ripping to MP3, and even burning my own discs.  I do not pretend my music is popular--I make it for my own enjoyment, and to listen to--if you like it too, all the better!

I don't believe in charging for my music, however, if you order a CD from me (email me for details), I do charge for the time it takes to burn one, mail it, etc.  If you want it completely for free, download the MP3 format.  I personally use WinAMP to play my MP3s, and highly recommend it.

Feel free to provide me feedback on my music

Contact Darkmare Romeo

Darkmare Romeo MP3s

AstroCal is a freeware product for DOS 6.0 and higher.  AstroCal is a simple program to convert DMS (Degrees, minutes, seconds) to decimal, and vice-versa.  Usefull for astrology, or anything dealing with latitude/longitude.  Current version is .90b

DOWNLOAD AstroCal ( 25k)

This page, and it's content, copyright 2000 by Darkmare Romeo.  If you want to use something from my page, ask.  It's a good bet I'll let you, I just want to know where it is :)

Me and Pixel

My first chicken I raised (it was f*in good)

Black Ass, one of my roosters (from the movie, Half Baked)

The mallard that adopted us

our ducks and chickens (most of them, not all)