The New & Unknown Art of 

    The Daven is a mit. He represent the link between man and nature. His origin is lost in the darkness of the time. The living Daven serve his Master and change his look in time, like a pretty woman. There are three development stages.

First stage, the Child Daven (CDA), which need much love and care from his Master;
Second stage, the Magic Daven (MDA), after three years of care, when the Daven has power from paranormal world;
Third stage, the Old Daven (ODA), after ten years, borrow the personality of his Master, becoming his mirror in the vegetal world.

    Beginning from the third stage, the owner is identified with him, preparing to Big Time Jump. On the Earth still his memory included in the Daven. Because of this, it say that Daven is living.
    An Old Daven (ODA) can't be buy from nobody and he is priceless, making part of the family.
    In the past, the Daven is assigned with the Home of predecessors.
    The living Daven's are really "hunted" because the offer is limited and it can be buy only after contact with author or his agent for a minimum of questions about you.
    Based on this form, the Child Daven will be born and he will represent you in this live and more time after.

    Another type of Daven is the "Frozen" Daven, which is depleted by his magic "aura" but reach an unexpected artistic look. The "Frozen" Daven's has various forms and colors, being very much requested by worldwide clients, especially by computer owners and I.T. specialists. 

    Every Daven has the maximum dimensions: 35cm width x 20cm depth x 25cm height, which cannot be exceeded.
     There are some samples of unpersonalized Daven's. The price is only 800$!
For personalized Daven's, mail us.

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