This is how it will work:
Bands will send us their demo. We do not have the money to pay you for every copy we sell. The plan is to sell 60 minute tapes with more than one demo on them. We will have a list of demos, with descriptions and running times available on our website. The costumer will pick the demos he or she wants, and we will custom make a cassette for them. Each band will have a half a page, front and back, with info and artwork which we will photocopy for the customer and put in the tape case. The customer will only have to pay $3 for the tape. It is an efficient and cheap way of distributing demos.

We need bands, though. We have two, Strip-Searched for Speeding, an experimental group, and a punk/sludge/fastcore band, Sin Amor. The bands actually share the same members, who also run the label. Any interesting sounding bands (experimental, grind, punk, hardcore) can sign up with us. No racist or homophobic lyrics, we don’t deal with boneheads.

The Dude abides. You should too. Send info to:

BFG Records
P.O. Box 792
Middletown, CA 95426

DO NOT address it to "Bombs For God." The last thing we want is to be bitched at by the postal service...they're unstable men.


E-mail at: