
German 402 - Advanced Composition II (3)

Term 4, Academic Year 1999/2000

03 April - 21 July 2000

Gerhard Schulz

I am a German instructor with the UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, EUROPEAN DIVISION. Presently I teach face-to-face classes in the Rhein-Main area, Germany.

In the past I have taught a large number of upper level classes on German Literature, German Language, and Cultural Topics. This tradition at UMUC is now being transformed to include Distance Education courses  on these topics. The new program was started some terms ago with a course on "GERMAN FAIRY TALES" - delivered via a listserver -, and is now taken into a new dimension by using the WebTycho platform.

In term 04 - 1999/00 a language class is being offered


***You can enroll for this class without having taken German 401***

The objectives of this class are

Prerequisite:        GERM 300-level course or equivalent.

Credit:                  Three (3) semester hours via Distance Education
Instructor:            Dr. Gerhard Schulz
Dates:                   Terms IV - V,   03 April - 21 July 2000
Requirements:      Email, Internet Access, Web Browser







03 April - 08 April 2000 Introductory Activities Getting to know WebTycho 


10 April - 15 April 2000 Introductory Activities Using the WebTycho platform


17 April - 22 April 2000 Modal Auxiliary Verbs Tenses and Idiomatic Usage


24 April - 29 April 2000 Future Tense Using the non-grammatical functions of Future I and II


01 May - 06 May 2000 Future Tense (continued) Using the non-grammatical functions of Future I and II


08 May - 13 May 2000 Conjunctions I Enhancing Expression through advanced usage of main clause conjunctions


15 May - 20 May 2000 Conjunctions II Enhancing Expression through advanced usage of dependent clause conjunctions


21 May - 04 June 2000 Break   


05 June - 10 June 2000  Review & MT Exam  Online exam


12 June - 17 June 2000 Passive Voice I Improving Text by adequate use/avoidance of Passive Voice Constructions


19 June - 24 June 2000 Passive Voice II Improving Text by adequate use/avoidance of Passive Voice Constructions


25 June - 30 June 2000 Relative Clauses Using Relative Pronouns beyond the standard format


03 July - 08 July 2000 "False Friends" Special Problems with English-German vocabulary evoking wrong associations


10 July - 15 July 2000  Review  


16 July - 21 July 2000  Final Exam  

The main emphasis in this course will be on writing many shorter and some longer texts in order to become more proficient with written (narrative) expression, which - according to experience - has a very positive effect on your oral proficiency. My ambition is to correct and discuss your 'papers' in such a way that you understand the reasons WHY you should give it another try. The indications on the above SCHEDULE just describe the TOOLS that we need to acquire for this purpose.



You are expected to participate on a regular basis. Logging on twice a week is considered a minimum.
Turning in assignments is not just something between you and me. We are learning as a group, and it is important for the other students to share in the results of your work (in a traditional classroom they would hear your speech/report/questions etc.).

I have set up a schedule, however, there will be enough time to follow sidelines that develop as the course progresses. I shall insert short grammatical discussions when I see a need for them, - you should indicate topics that you wish to be integrated into the course. One of the biggest advantages of the WebTycho platform is that the contributions which we make are always available for 'inspection', - they don't wind up on individual PCs; it's like having a large classroom wall where our ideas find a public place to 'reside'. This is our great chance to interact, communicate, and learn from each other.

Grading your work will of course be done privately, i. e. via email. Basically the WT platform is the medium for discussions, email is the electronic medium for one-on-one contact. I am under obligation to respond promptly to work and questions that you send in.


Scholarly (and scientific) research is characterized by utilizing the results of other scholars. Progress in the field of research means adding something to the stock of knowledge that so far has been accumulated. From this point of view drawing on resources is a normal process when formulating one's own thoughts. It is, however, mandatory to name the source of information you are using (to give credit to the author). Omitting to name your sources will cause you to be accused of plagiarism and will - in a college course - have an adverse effect on your grade.  See the Maryland in Europe Catalog for UMUC policy on plagiarism and academic dishonesty.


There will be no textbook. Most of the materials will be made available to you in the 'classroom' or by email. Some German newspapers publish articles on the Net. I will point out such materials as we need them.


The component parts of your Final Grade will be:

I will use the standard 100 point scale:

A: 100-90,  B: 89-80;  C: 79-70;  D: 69-60;  F(a): below 60 /  F(n) -  unexcused non-participation/ non attendance

Biographical Note:
Gerhard Schulz was born and raised in Berlin, Germany. He spent four years in the US and Canada, teaching at a Physical School of Education in Kentucky, and taking a degree as an Elementary School teacher in Ontario, Can. Upon returning to Germany he studied Philosophy, German & English Literature, and Art History at the Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, receiving his Ph.D. in 1982. He and his wife Christina live near Frankfurt in a friendly small town where they bought (and renovated) an old farmhouse. Both, Gerhard and Christina, like to do things with their hands to balance out their professional life as teachers. Gerhard (after having learned how to solder, to do masonry work, and to install electrical systems) has built quite a number of special pinhole cameras. He takes odd looking photographs with them, and has promised to show you some of them

If you have any questions feel free to contact me at <>

Send me a note!