Undergraduate Work: University of Puget
Sound, Tacoma, Washington, B.A. in Art and Education, 1962
Graduate Work: University of hawaii, Honolulu,
HI, M.A. in Elementary Education, 1974
- Majors: Art (44 semester hours), Education (57 semester
- Minor: Social Studies (18 semester hours), English and Creative Drama
(36 semester hours)
Watercolor Workshops:
- Ruth Alair, Great Falls, Montana, 1982-3
- Jean Halverson, Great Falls, Montana, 1983
- Pat Lambrecht, Great Falls, Montana, 1983
- Ray Campuau, Belt Montana, 1983
- Tony Couch, Beartooth workshops, Billings, Montana, 1983
- Betty DeMaree, Cheyenne, Wyoming, 1985
- Zoltan Szabo, Boulder, Colorado, 1985
- Hugh Walkinshaw, Omaha, Nebraska, 1987
- James Boren, Scottsdale Artists' School, Steamboat Springs, CO, 1987
- Frances Campbell, Cheyenne Art Guild, Cheyenne, Wyoming, 1987-88
- Jane Burnham, Lompoc Art Association, Lompoc, California, 1990
- George Kountoupis, Bellevue Artists' Association, Bellvue, NE, 1991
- Judy Greff, Bellevue Artists' Association, Bellvue, Nebraska, 1993
- George Muro, George Muro Workshops, Avila Beach, California, 1993
- Jo Tarbula, Los Padres Art Association, Santa Maria, California, 1993
- Naomi Brotherton Workshop, Austin, Texas, 1997
- Mary Todd Beam Workshop, San Antonio, Texas, 1997, Austin, Texas, 2000
- Polly Hammett Workshop, Austin, Texas, 1999
- Pat Deadman Workshop,Austin, Texas, 1999
- Carl Dalio Workshop, Austin, Texas, 2000
- Jerry Segal Workshop, Austin, Texas, 2000
- Carla O'Connor Workshop, Austin, Texas, 2001
- Pat San Soucie Workshop, Austin, Texas, 2001
- Joyce Kamakura Workshop, Austin, Texas, 2002
- Gerald Brommer Workshop, Austin, Texas, 2002
- Carrie Burns Brown Workshop, Austin, TX February
10-14 2003
- Pat Dews Workshop Austin, TX February 9-13, 2004
- Virginia Cobb Workshop Austin, TX April 5-9, 2004
Additional Art Training:
- Oil Paining, Honolulu, Hawaii, Lau Chun, Instructor, Summer, 1972
- Oil Paining I and II, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii, Gloria Foss, Instructor,
October-December, 1973
- Oil Painting, Northern Virginia Community College, John Bannon, Instructor, fall
- Joy Luke Color Workshops, Studio 231, Sperryville, Virginia, August 13-20, 1979
and summer 1980
- Drawing III, Northern Virginia Community College, Janis Goodman, Instructor,
spring 1980
- Painting Studio, Northern Virginia Community College, Anne Salley, Instructor,
April 2-June 11, 1981
- Watercolor I, Corcoran School of Art, Brockie Stevenson, Instructor, summer, 1980
- Oil Paining, Alexandria Art League, Torpedo Gallery, Alexandria, Virginia, Linda
Hendrick, Instructor, 6 sessions, fall, 1980
- Drawing and Oil Paining, Alexandria Art League, Torpedo Gallery, Linda Paffel,
Instructor, 6 sessions, fall, 1980
- Masters in Fine Arts preliminary course, Drawing I and II, George Washington
University, washington D.C., John Morrel, Instructor, fall and winter, 1980-1981