(Click here to return to main page)Poem added 6/1/99. By Therence Weefur:From the anthology I Exist:Therence "Teri" Weefur was born in Liberia, West Africa in 1974 where she hopes to one day return to open a school for impoverished children. She is an artist and writer who supports the positive advancement of technology. When asked what she would like to be remembered for, Teri stated: "The most important thing in the world is love. Everything that is good comes for love. God is Love. I want to be remembered for the positive energy that was used to create all that I touched; and the love that it became when others were touched by it."It's a Woman ThingTherence WeefurBearing the sins of a woman named Eve.Taking the load off the shoulders of menogling in the streets;Biting tongues to keep the peace.Meditating deeply,my only release.Every day I birthe my way out of aSurrogate motherEarth.Always with honor, since my lifelineand livelihoodwas conceived within her soil.Letting go of this worldfeels like a battle of me against me.Rising and falling like waves ontosand.Never stopping to ask when will it allend.And because I am woman.I have no breaks.I take no vacations.I can't even get sick.So because I am woman.I must touch the skyIf not for me,then for my child.Teri Weefurcopyright 1999 Therence R. WeefurTeri can be e-mailed at this here to return to main page)