(Click here to return to main page)Poem added 5/26/99. By Thom Stromer:dermal ivoryThom Stromer spring is such a killerbecause it makes meMORE horny,MORE restless,MORE deranged.
in winter, I'm much more in control.
spring is just plain dangerous.
the seasons aremaniacal messengerstaking out the weak and feeble.smoking them in wind storms.frying teenage brains with cocainewarm, late at niteon street corners.
I'm just the 27 year old bystanderabout to go madby tank topsand tight shortshair pulled backdisplaying staring eyesthat always look away from me.
the birds will chirp and mock me...I'll hear them soon enoughthrough this cracked windowabove the music.
I've had enough of this s**t.I'm going to move to Alaskawhere women are bundledin parkas,and sealskin andmultiple pairsof long underwear.
I'll find me a lass,settle down,and take YEARSto peel off allof her layers.YEARS before itouch that dermal ivory.YEARS to get first pinch at nipple.YEARS to be ableto actually tastethe lower lips.YEARS to remove the barriers.
and I WILLenjoy every goddamn minute of it!Thom Stromercopyright Thom StromerThom can be e-mailed at this (Click here to return to main page)