The Ring of Theater and Drama

The Ring of Theater and Drama is a (free) webring. I will accept only pages that honor any aspect of theatre or drama; such as plays, musicals, ballets, or opera. If this applies to your page, join up today! These are the only requirements:

  1. That you have a webpage.
  2. That your webpage honors an aspect of the theatre.
  3. That your webpage is appropriate for all age groups.
  4. That you display the Ring of Theatre and Drama HTML on your page at all times.
  5. NEW Requirement: This may seem unfair, but I will no longer accept sites that I consider to be advertisements. If you are an actor with an online resume, that will not be accepted, nor will a theater group's site with only commercial content. I make this call, so if you're not sure, you can try to apply, but I may not accept it. I'm looking for sites with content; fan sites or information sites, not commercials!

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