Welcome to the Girl Scout Songbook. This is the method for reading the songs:
plain text- words to songs
(plain text in parentheses)- actions or other notes concerning the song
italicized text- part that changes from verse to verse- below the song there will be words to put
        into the space where the italicized part is
underlined- either title or link
If song has Chorus: listed first, sing the chorus, then verse, then chorus, etc.
If song has Chorus: listed after verse, sing verse, then chorus, then verse, etc.

I hope this will help in your song lyric reading.

This page is divided into two parts: Find song title by type and alphabetical listing.

    Title by type:

Slow Songs    Action Songs    Graces   Echo Songs
Silly Songs   Gross Songs   Rounds    Girl Scout Songs


A    B   C    D   E    F   G    H   I    J   K    L
M    O   P    R   S    T   U    W   Y    Z



Slow Songs
 Ah, Poor Bird
 Amazing Grace
 Ash Grove

 Battle Hymn
 Blowin' in the Wind
 Boom De A Da
 Bridge Over Troubled Water
 Bring Me a Rose
 California Dreamin'
 Canoe Song- Dip, dip and swing
 Country Roads
 Day Is Done
 Daylight Taps
 Dona Nobis
 Glad To Have A Friend Like You
 Green Trees
 It's a Small World
 Let There Be Peace On Earth
 Morning Has Broken
 Music Alone Shall Live
 One Little Candle
 On My Honor
 On the Loose
 Red Balloon
 Rise Up O' Flame
 Rose, The
 Sing, Sing a Song
 Spider's Web
 Swing Low Sweet Chariot
 When Er'e You Make A Promise
 White Buffalo
 You've Got A Friend

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Action Songs
 Air Raid Alarm
 Alice the Camel
 A Pizza Hut (A Ford Escort)
 A Ram Sam Sam
 Boogie Woogie Washer Woman
 Boom Chicka Boom
 Brownie Smile Song
 Cowboy Joe
 Dem Bones
 Donut Shop
 Doodly What Not
 Fishy Song

 Go Bananas
 Going Crazy
 Gonk- Gonk (Froggy song)
 Head Shoulders Bump
 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
 Hermy the Wormy
 If You're Happy
 I'm a Nut
 Indians Are High Minded
 Little Birdies
 Little Bunny Foo Foo
 Little Canoe
 Little Piece of Tin
 Little Rabbit
 My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
 Peace Like A River
 Percy the Pale-faced Polar Bear
 Princess Pat
 Shark Attack
 Singing in the Rain
 Sons of the Sea
 Swimming Pool
 Three Jolly Fishermen
 Tony Chestnut
 Um- Ah
 Yawnin' in the Dawnin'
 Yogi Bear
 Zombie Song
 Zulu Warrior

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 Addams Family Grace
 Alleluia/ Praise ye

 Back of the Bread
 Eagle Grace
 Johnny Appleseed
 River Grace
 Thanks be to God

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Echo Songs
 All Girl Scouts
 Bear Song
 Dem Bones
 Funky Chicken
 Ham and Eggs
 Hole In the Bucket
 Little Sir Echo
 Princess Pat
 Sippin' Cider
 There Ain't no Flies on Us

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Silly Songs
 Apples & Bananas
 A, You're Adorable
 Baby Beluga
 Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends

 Billboard Song
 Black Socks
 Boa Constrictor
 Camp/ Troop Boogie
 Down by the Bay
 Do your ears hang low?
 Eddie... Brown
 God Bless My Underwear
 Green Grass Grows
 Hanky Panky
 Hello! Hello!
 Home on the Range
 It's a Poor Man
 I Wish
 Lemon Drops and Gum Drops
 Let There Be Peas
 Little Skunk Song
 McKinney is Dead
 Mr. Sun
 Mutton Chops
 Peanut Song
 Pink Pajamas
 Pioneer Song
 Puff the Magic Dragon
 Rise and Shine
 Sleepy Camper
 Wieney Man
 Yankee Doodle
 Yankee Doodle Boy
 You Are My Sunshine

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Gross Songs
 A, You're an Antelope
 Chicken Lips and Lizard Hips
 Gory, Gory
 Great Big Globs
 Little Green Frog (Gross Version)
 Oh Mr. Toad
 Picture A Cowboy
 Show Me the Way to go Home

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 Come Follow
 Dona Nobis
 Frog Round
 Gonna Build Us a Land
 Horsey, Horsey
 Make New Friends
 More We Get Together, The
 Music Alone Shall Live

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Girl Scout Songs
 Alive, Awake, Alert
 Bear Went Over the Mountain, The

 Brownie Smile Song
 Camp Sunset Hill
 Girl Scout Camp
 Girl Scouts Together
 Hello! Hello!
 He's got the Whole World
 Make New Friends
 Ode to a Girl Scout Leader
 On My Honor
 Polar Bear Song

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 Addams Family Grace
 Ah, Poor Bird
 Air Raid Alarm
 Alice the Camel
 Alive, Awake, Alert
 Alleluia/ Praise ye
 All Girl Scouts
 Amazing Grace
 A Pizza Hut (A Ford Escort)

 Apples & Bananas
 A Ram Sam Sam
 Ash Grove
 A, You're Adorable
 A, You're an Antelope

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 Baby Beluga
 Back of the Bread
 Battle Hymn
 Bear Song
 Bear Went Over the Mountain, The
 Be Kind to Your Web-Footed Friends
 Billboard Song
 Black Socks
 Blowin' in the Wind
 Boa Constrictor
 Boogie Woogie Washer Woman
 Boom Chicka Boom
 Boom De A Da
 Bridge Over Troubled Water
 Bring Me a Rose
 Brownie Smile Song

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 California Dreamin'
 Camp Sunset Hill
 Camp/ Troop Boogie
 Canoe Song- Dip, dip and swing
 Chicken Lips and Lizard Hips
 Come Follow
 Country Roads
 Cowboy Joe

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 Day Is Done
 Daylight Taps
 Dem Bones
 Dona Nobis
 Donut Shop
 Doodly What Not
 Down by the Bay
 Do your ears hang low?

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 Eagle Grace

 Eddie... Brown

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 Fishy Song
 Frog Round
 Funky Chicken

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 Girl Scout Camp
 Girl Scouts Together
 Glad To Have A Friend Like You
 Go Bananas
 God Bless My Underwear
 Going Crazy
 Gonk- Gonk (Froggy song)
 Gonna Build Us a Land

 Gory, Gory
 Great Big Globs
 Green Grass Grows
 Green Trees

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 Ham and Eggs
 Hanky Panky
 Head Shoulders Bump
 Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
 Hello! Hello!
 Hermy the Wormy
 He's got the Whole World
 Hole In the Bucket
 Home on the Range
 Horsey, Horsey

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 If You're Happy
 I'm a Nut
 Indians Are High Minded
 It's a Poor Man
 It's A Small World
 I Wish

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 Johnny Appleseed

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 Lemon Drops and Gum Drops
 Let There Be Peace On Earth
 Let There Be Peas
 Little Birdies
 Little Bunny Foo Foo
 Little Canoe
 Little Green Frog (Gross Version)
 Little Piece of Tin
 Little Rabbit
 Little Sir Echo
 Little Skunk Song

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 Make New Friends
 McKinney is Dead
 More We Get Together, The
 Morning Has Broken
 Mr. Sun
 Music Alone Shall Live
 Mutton Chops

 My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

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 Ode to a Girl Scout Leader
 Oh Mr. Toad
 One Little Candle
 On My Honor
 On the Loose

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 Peace Like A River
 Peanut Song
 Percy the Pale-faced Polar Bear
 Picture A Cowboy
 Pink Pajamas
 Pioneer Song
 Polar Bear Song
 Princess Pat
 Puff the Magic Dragon

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 Red Balloon
 Rise and Shine
 Rise Up O' Flame
 River Grace
 Rose, The

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 Shark Attack

 Show Me the Way to go Home
 Singing in the Rain
 Sing, Sing a Song
 Sippin' Cider
 Sleepy Camper
 Sons of the Sea
 Spider's Web
 Swimming Pool
 Swing Low Sweet Chariot

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 Thanks be to God
 There Ain't no Flies on Us
 Three Jolly Fishermen
 Tony Chestnut

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 Um- Ah

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 When Er'e You Make A Promise
 White Buffalo
 Wieney Man


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 Yankee Doodle
 Yankee Doodle Boy
 Yawnin' in the Dawnin'
 Yogi Bear
 You Are My Sunshine
 You've Got A Friend

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 Zombie Song
 Zulu Warrior

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Contact Me (Woody)